Thursday, May 5, 2011

stuff profusion and spiritual emptiness

Mu Guangzong 2008-08-27 ,beijing massage
private relationship between happiness and social well being
Although often understood as a psychological evaluation of individual and subjective experience, is a subjective quality of life of self-evaluation, however, the happiness of the individual true that the relationship between stamina and resources from the social supply and demand? As one-sided emphasis on the quick growth of GDP, ignoring population, resources, surroundings and economic, social conflicts and coordination, leading to the plight of many unsustainable development; from a global perspective, global environmental problems have become increasingly emphatic, and has been a serious threat to human survival. Practice repeatedly shown, GDP can not fully reflect a country and a zone of web benefits of present and hereafter changes do not directly reflect the demands of citizens on the ultimate happiness. On the development purposes, the survey also proved that by home and abroad, with varying degrees of material life so rich private sensibilities of happiness, happiness is not the more richer. In truth, material abundance and spiritual vacancy, raising the class of economic earnings and a decline in life satisfaction and material wealth and life in alter aspects of ecological deterioration of the surroundings constitutes The happiness ambiguity.
, of way, the material conditions of abundance and security, and interpersonal relationships, the harmony between Man and the required social conditions for the overall well-being. ancients said: . Historical experience shows that the ultimate pursuit of human happiness in life, not equitable material plenty. British philosopher Jeremy Bentham intended that the rule should be to improve community to quest the social value of happiness not wealth maximization, but rather the maximization of happiness.
recent years, with people-centered technological notion of evolution, quality of life and happiness of the Measure of problems caused by a high degree of care .2006 , National Bureau of Statistics put ahead the but extra fundamentally reflects a lack of regional evolution in the accomplishment and reflects the development of humanistic care on April 5 .2006, Sichuan Bureau of society and public attitude research centre unlocked the a social survey. The survey for the premier period an mushroom of and construct a happy society proposition. society as a whole being a fair, impartial distribution and sharing of resources in the process. but the m in the geographical delivery of economy health to balance the state of symbiosis. creature a good community must be built on the root of population nature.
challenges social well-being of population ecological imbalance
base line is that if a decisive system of ecological the diversity of structural equilibrium, then the ; a dual hard to find because each 100 girls connate, the babe ought be roughly corresponds to 103-107 as much. However, according to file catered by the National Population and Family Planning Commission, 2020, the Chinese additional of marriageable male population may be approximately 24 million. Historically, , from the 20th centenary,shanghai escort, since the early 80s, sex percentage at birth, widespread,shanghai escort, severe and increasing trend of tall population has occasioned solemn ecological deficit, which is the distinction among the existing cultural patterns of marriage pairs, women tin be married population,this namely almost a important accident in the destiny of us entire ., the census found that the absence of .1982, the tall sex percentage of the region's population accounts as the proportion of the total population was 78.58%, the sex percentage just now,guangzhou massage, rising to 111.1 because the 108.5,1990; to 2000, births Sex Ratio of the population zone covered 98% of the country, sex ratio at birth rose to 116.9. National Bureau of Statistics 2004 specimen examine ashore population changes reported, the age team of the population sex ratio of zero to a tall of 121.18, 2005 Census data show slightly smaller, merely still topped 118.6. this reality, and makes some people's sexual rights, matrimony rights, aging of the population will have solitary specifics, namely, the babies unattended, with no children has led to the phenomenon of aging problems of the aged with phenomena and problems of age old home vacant nest. the aged independence and the morale of the wastage of social contacts. This is the population aging of deep-seated challenges. an increasing number of widowed aged people living in the vacant lair Tokgo the state, there are some elderly due to interruption of the socialization process appeared in the spirit of social separation caused at psychological problems. old to be fearful of space, even physical health, enough to live comfortably, no the decline of internal absorption will greatly the averaging of life. the pursuit of sun old age, elated old age, it have to be the successful aging of shared amounts. poised population development: towards the prevalent nice of the additional side of the
pleasure, through the ages, people of the same wish, the absolute world claim. After entire, happiness is the person reputation statement and the right apt conservation. rights poverty ambition inevitably guide to happiness is hard to detect.
either the real protection of the rights of freedom of choice and emancipation of choice.
Obviously, if it can patronize marriage and old-age female population appeared colossal manpower supply population shortage, the lack of elementary social well-being of the population protected. and our happiness is not merely moderate alternatively not the population, but also to the balance of the population alternatively not related. The population ecology perspective reminds us that the comprehension of low fertility level does not mean the end of the population problem, but the transformation by with population issues. In a relatively stable fertility rate, the population is suffering a important transformation: population growth is changing the framework and environment-based, system-based population. population control is the cutback achieve and activity a throttle effect, only the incremental rebate will not solve China's population problem; the opposed, the practice and methodology has been repeatedly proved that the population architecture of the population is the deep-seated problems.'s population structure sociological sense of imbalance is the ecological imbalance, will the future well-being and social development and posture a mammoth risk. balanced population development is the co-ordination to solve the population problem question in the proper signification. create a balance between population growth population ecology will work to protect the most people the greatest happiness. comprehensively addressing population issues must be early to obtain rid of unrelated, separate and rule the population of governance attach magnificent magnitude to ecological safety of population in the crack in the deep-rooted problems interlocked. to assure ecological safety of the population to solve China's population problem is the co-ordination, improve people's well-being one of the basic protection. balanced population growth will be escort.

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