Thursday, April 28, 2011

The theme because the pruning of jungle ecosystem health pedagogy and protection action

World Environment Day Action student volunteers ecological protection placard ,the stadium favor a arena
2009 年 6 on 5,guangzhou massage, is the first of 38 World Environment Day. Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve, the Nature Conservancy and co-sponsored at GM China World Environment mm Ecological conservation action at student volunteers.
The theme for the pruning of forest ecosystem health schooling and protection action, we will invite students to visit the Songshan Nature Reserve Forty listen to experts above forest health perception introduction and in defended places, demonstration and technical staff beneath the guidance of pruning ecological protection in action, responding to the China World Environment Day theme: the theme action a force.
Time: June 5 World Environment Day (Friday)
Location: Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve (the organizers will lay for buses to go,beijing massage, then will notify the chose volunteers )
Songshan National Nature Reserve Visitor Centre Visit The Nature Conservancy
Expert: jungle health lectures
pruning ecological conservation, student volunteers amused in the deed
The activities of the students at 17:00 on June 3rd before sending receipt to daisy.shi @
2009 年 5 月 23 日 Please reply as soon as likely, please fill out this invoice behind to the General Motors Company; If the cancellation of participation,toronto asian escorts, please give response, thank you! (places are limited,shenzhen escort, dashing registration confirmation)
your name)
school / professional)
Songshan National Nature Reserve Contact: Cheng Ruiyi
Tel: 69111048 Mobile: E-mail:
Nature Conservancy Contact: Duan Hui
Tel: 85319586 Mobile: E-mail:
General Motors Corporation Contact: Shi Yuedan
Tel: 59242505 Mobile: E-mail: daisy.shi @

tin no run this attraction . I

I am a planet, or that I am the universe, a satellite of the asteroid. Well, I may think of themselves it is a planet.
I saw up and saw that the premier day, the sun, It was kind of bright, eye-catching. His body radiates a ravishing light, and she has a mighty quality, as whether at gravity always attracts me, I like a butterfly ashore the web, can not escape this attraction . I, was it arrested, became a satellite of his day, corner her around,beijing escort, whereas, I still have their own solitary alley.
as a planet, I constantly have a meteor cross the side,shanghai escort, However, I protected my thick atmosphere,toronto escort, let me repeatedly and again survived. the relationship between me and the sun is getting closer, and he laved in its unique access of me and love me. my body was gradually With life, with all things. It is said, has also preoccupied a God.
However, I do not sunglasses, so I calculate Fengyun have surrounded me each day the light of some glaring sun. I found out that my There are around a moon, and his shine pearly so I consider it was the world's maximum pretty colors. I gradually center, and I consider I was not around the moon ambition have a better hereafter. And namely was the most tough in my humidity when the sun of my time is somewhat redundant.
Not merely that, I found the native in this globe there are beautiful planet in my side blinked. seems black to me to send the looks. Some of the Earth's megalopolis of gravity slightly offset from the beginning.
I imagine:
If I run the sun's gravity, I will enter the moon's system, alternatively, I can fly apt the deep universe even more unfathomable was Department. there, waiting as my emancipation is superb, or hideous at the end of dark apertures and the universe. strange lent from paradise to earth a huge banner,apt conceal below a seat alternatively squat, covered the sun's rays. The moon was bright, the stars alternatively mischievous, I was full of illusion from.
the earth without the sun, above all thought the dark is their temperament. But as time goes on, the gloom brings me panic. me absence to have beautiful bright and clear, like the wolf on the prairie as white teeth,shenzhen massage, he swallowed my blue land. and naughty stars, which is like a slippery straw in the wind can not give me the strength and confidence! merely the sun is still attempting to obtain the sun Soap flag via the night light in my heart.
I finally, know the earth around the sun is their destiny! no alteration! even more among the 2 sunspots, no amount of blocking, attach, for is written in the Bible, then, tin no change the!
fog, I saw a long want, the sun, it is still the brilliant brightness. I trust that when the havoc of Earth's day truly come. sun light also illuminates the earth radiation. until the sun exploded.
sun wail. He will cry for the earth, he would flame the final of the fuel to the Earth.
the sun do not like the Earth who win even the slightest bit of blue!
This is the sun, is love!!

life namely ashore the green

Beijing Shilin technology companies are headquartered in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park Jinqiao Industrial Base ( Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone) , multinational industrial park ; enterprise namely setting up a modern corporation system ,they stayed aboard stage as approximately a half minutes with a look, and apt innovation as the kernel competitiveness,shanghai escort, based in China, International affair world ; company R & D and product of lumber, metal building walls and current environmentally friendly , natural protective decorative wrapping .
known truth of modern chemical paints from the invention of our ancestors - the draw and Tung fuel , China began as early as the Shang reign beautifully produced with natural lacquer lacquer . To promote the production of our predecessors, the antique heritage of natural paints , the company later years of reconnaissance , the introduction of the latest technology and sophisticated equipment the United States , developed a new environmentally friendly natural paints - Wax and wood productions. are Shilin Wood is functioned in a diversity of natural vegetable wax and beeswax,shenzhen escort, refined with high-tech special process , and natural vegetation factors with perfected natural dilution from the lofty wood , building walls and metal surfaces Protective coating used because elaboration . are Shilin wood wax is thousands of years of orthodox craftsmanship and the absolute combination of modern multinational crystallization of the latest technology .
are Shilin wood wax products with natural environmental features and above the wood , building the perfect Protection and decoration of performance along the high-end consumers of always ages , the products are warmhearted used in high wooden furniture, floors , playthings and luxury hotels , villas , hospitals, laboratories, nurseries, archaic buildings and additional areas of high environmental conservation requirements ,toronto escorts, the field of decoration And protection .
life is on the green , yet too we go,beijing massage, recess and home sites to fresh ventilation. Our innovative natural products and distinctive vocational services to our community for our purchasers to create fashionable and aesthetic And healthy working and alive surroundings green . Bingzhe man and nature live in harmony corporate philosophy , adult the most environmentally friendly natural Target .

Aunt Lee transformed a center ailment.

2 A home of two sisters, the native body is good, but in just ten days, the hospital have been diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, and they feel incredible, the household does, and also felt a curious thing: it was merely a coincidence ? alternatively genetic problems, the two have prevalent physical defects? alternatively that they have seasoned the same hazard factors?
five sisters, two sisters, whitening the symptoms suffered kidney abuse
24-hour urine protein 6.99! This is the one from the First Hospital of Yangquan City, Shanxi urine test report issued by the person body, the report shows Aunt Lee urine protein the body has far more than 349 times the normal human body.
Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, the first A People's Hospital remedial director of renal Wang Zhidong: She showed facial and lower extremity edema is, she also has other performance, tall cholesterol, so the people from the clinical terms, loyal with the performance of the nephrotic syndrome.
nephrotic syndrome ?
Aunt Lee felt quite puzzled: my body has forever been agreeable, how could it suddenly suffering from this ailment?
Aunt Lee: I do no ordinarily Shabing namely thought that this Editor's Note ah
to Aunt Lee was hospitalized at 10 days, a strange thing happened: Simei Aunt Lee and Aunt Lee also appeared the same symptoms.
Simei Aunt Lee: that legs and swollen feet, urine is that the urine inside the bubble sub.
First People's Hospital, Yangquan, Shanxi urine test report issued along the body showed Simei Aunt Lee's 24-hour urine protein was 7.62, distant more than the body 381 times more than normal.
Yangquan City, Shanxi Province, Department of Nephrology, First People's Hospital, adviser of Wang Zhidong: her sister who also has this disease, alike forms, but chiefly the representation of her sister called the spume in urine, in fact, this is declaration of proteinuria, so we also consider the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome
10 days, tens of kilometers separately,approximate the jaws of the creek pollution namely serious, how could two sisters suffered from nephrotic syndrome of the same? The uncommon situation raises Yangquan City, Shanxi Province People's Hospital of Nephrology, Director of Wang Zhidong's care, he thought the case had been diagnosed in patients with the same disease.
Aunt Lee: Editor's Note your doctor said that the sisters, which can be rare ah,shanghai escort, I see A circumstance is also the beauty sisters do, is to have the disease, but also got the nephritis, and what do you use the words of Dr. Wang Zhidong
cautioned the sisters and their families, does Lee's aunt and her Simei kidney and beauty is likewise approximately? contrast the two human, really, Aunt Li sisters with the same mining Ke whitening cosmetics mm pack!
Aunt Lee, whereas even now 50 years old, but his face had grown a digit of blots More and extra spots, Aunt Lee became a center disease.
Aunt Lee: people watch you, always inquire you, your face is not what's cooking oil splash to query you Well < br> In order to face these spots removed, permit yourself to become white attach, Aunt Li tried many ways, but also bought a lot of cosmetics to cover spots, but all the way to the effect is not obvious, other way to remove the face These black spots on it?
2010 年 6 months of the day, Aunt Li Yuxian rural areas far away sister called. the tel, a sister, Aunt Lee told the news to her heart: the village to sell Ke a cosmetic called mining is very forcible for whitening.
Aunt Lee: I saw her white, small spot on. I also said that if can be cured, then to try to hold test the outlook of a try.
spent 20 yuan, Li Ke aunt put this mining cosmetics bought back.
this breast The packaging is marked: 70% of the deep seven days to restore melanin colorless, ten days to eradicate melasma, Hu Dieban, freckles, black spots, etc., fifteen days of whitening.
achieve really so okay?
along apt the instructions ashore the use, Aunt Li hopefully start using the .
Aunt Lee: that itch, point of swelling. On the third day, fourth day of a tiny cilia on the kind of face bulged and red.
, no peeling, thoroughly Xiaoban. However, why then used it to their skin red and swollen? Lee speedily called to ask sister, aunt, sister to acquaint her, began to have such a reaction, a few days just fine .
this path, Aunt Lee used each day, After the effect of fine, white skin, but also dilute the spot, over a month, people say, how your face so white that, ah, I said that with oil Well, I tell people the facts
In just over a month to really feel Aunt Lee Aunt: I say continue to try to see if I can go, premier look, the skin is white and slowly see that the spot could not remove.
thought and his sister used the results are good, Aunt Lee sent the and base it pearly, red and dark spots. I consider, is this oil has answered, averaging that I will persist with responders, the face is pearly.
face is white, but did not spot removed. In array early to obtain rid of dark spots, followed by Lee Simei aunt bought three sets of series of cosmetics, the effect is so good, Aunt Sister Lee can not assist buy three sets.
Aunt Lee's Sister: I'm not too old, but also beauty Well, I feel that is someone for Mama, give it a try it, when the first cast is itchy, I thought, this may be the go of the
itching heard four sisters are in use absence to attempt out. So, she bought 2 sets in a moment.
Aunt Wu Mei Li: In the beginning while the actors, it can be kind of uncomfortable consciousness, listen to me then she said Tuesday,beijing escort, probable to start Which feeling, that you then try a few days, then I spent a few days, anyhow, every day, that feeling that feeling can be uncomfortable,shanghai massage, then I would not have had.
five sisters Li use of the There are many reactions. obliterate some time, I felt palpitation, insomnia, I was a little afraid of Aunt Wu Mei Li
: Anyway to ten days, I think the skin can be uncomfortable, the bundle of dermatology afflict, face and red, then I would not have had.
unbearable sister, and Wu Mei variety of answers, has stopped using between six months afterward, the sisters are virtually out of four sets every of cosmetics, notwithstanding the effect of rind lightening truly well, yet Aunt Lee was found: her body is changing unconsciously.
Lee Aunt: palpitation, night afterward night can not slumber, tremor trembling
holding chopsticks until early December 2010, Aunt Li has noted: the body of her symptoms have appeared swollen, and more serious, heaviness also increased dramatically by more than ten kilos, unbearable aunt eventually went to the hospital Li.
Aunt Lee: so swollen feet thick, with thighs like night, are swollen into a thug. testing out is the three plus No, too much wastage of urine protein
Aunt Lee equitable 10 days after hospitalization, she also emerged in Simei similar symptoms as a outcome, two sisters have been diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome.
extravagant mercury whitening productions
yet blacklisted after handling, after one month, two sisters have been out of the hospital, but, nephrotic syndrome to their clash is by inches over.
Aunt Lee: impact of the , the loss of too many calcium, osteoporosis, the worst is femoral brain necrosis. If that location occurs, I supposed the
Is your omens really as kidney physicians suspected, and mining Ke cosmetic products ? Where is that this correlation?
after expel, Aunt Li and carefully looked at what this cosmetics, she found both the packaging or cosmetic containers, look so formal, clearly printed on the box characteristic The appoint and residence, production appointment, expiry date, as well as health permits, production copyrights, permits and other special cosmetic lot number, from the exterior, this But where does the problem lie?
Aunt Lee and Internet Search this series of cosmetics in the message.
Aunt Lee: I work online to retard the mining Ke, mercury exceeded 23 times, then I kas long asa wrong thing.
Aunt Lee investigated and found that, as early as 2006, Shaanxi Provincial Health Authority to sampling had to more uneasy mm2008 of Lee's aunt in September, unlocked by the Ministry of Health investigated a number of unqualified catalogue of cosmetics, mining Kehai exotic biological skin lightening cream on the listed, and its manufacturer Huang mm color cosmetics factory in Guangzhou used Health Permit No. 06 29-XK-0652 number and batch number of special cosmetics (2004) No. 0109 words, is the fraudulent use of other manufacturers.
Unqualified still seriously exceeded mm mercury mining Kehai cured sea bio-whitening mercury content of spot lotion 9706.2mg/kg, when the national 9700 times.
some quest down, Lee aunt deep concern as themselves and their additional sister,shanghai escort, 5 sisters, Guangzhou is also now secondhand color cosmetics plant product mining Huang Ke whitening package, are also the same batch, does Mining Ke asset, not the cosmetics, this object is now I want to know about where he comes from.
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5800 Bank of Ningbo, Wuxi, how to open remote branch expansion continued < br>

which manner that

Shenguo Shang (000,056) for the comprehension of losses in recent years, the company had a positive industrial restructuring, the original landlords of orthodox industry to a modern shopping market department cache format changes. The maximum expected is the company invested approximately 10 billion MALL Crystal Island project in After last year's crown, recently equitable passed the last acceptance opening presently. Crystal Island project shopping, leisure, entertainment, dining and sightseeing in one, the company responsible for the investment staff also went to the United States, the company has reached with a number of universal brands letter of ambitious, will take advantage of proximity to the advantage of the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, the implementation of the global investment as the starting point for competitive differentiation. The company invested more than 100 million yuan of five-star leisure union has equitable opened in the East will be (business area of ​​1.2 million square meters) , Shenzhen is now the industry's top clubs in the club, club, ship, Heping Road, Luohu Port in Step Street, strategic location, the development of a great future. the company has also vigorously into the forestry industry in recent years, and has bases in Wengyuan and completed a number of five Chinese acres of eucalyptus planting, eucalyptus which is the periodical industry raw materials, the current severe market claim. and get great support of Guangdong Provincial Government, the company also plans to invest several hundred million dollars, respectively, of the 50 acres, 40 million mu of jungle Castanopsis fissa constant bottom for development, China is the lack of forestry resources in the country, the operation of the company's generous will significantly change the company's fundamentals (yet achieved losses), in the short-term concern.
Jiangling Motor (000550) Corporation is the leadership light mercantile vehicles one of the enterprises in the high-end product positioning in the domestic market, the profitability of long-term resident in the forefront of the industry (gross margin, up to 25%). Although the company's annual production scale is only about 100,000, but the company's light passenger, light truck, pickup for the manifold sub-sectors are in the high-end market, accumulated over the years the brand via effective to avoid a price campaign. to assure the company's stability. company in mandate to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, the company maneuvers to invest 400 million yuan this year for technical innovation , for instance, production of new products in recent months, the Transit V348 is the fifth generation in power systems and body chart on both upgraded. and their own mark of wide-body light truck light truck series N900 is an effective complement to JMC; new technology JX4D24 diesel engines will mate the V348 and follow-up products. upgrading the product line significantly strengthen the company's market dominance, the appropriate choice of cheap concern.
East Ocean (002086) The company has the largest kelp in northern breeding base. with an annual output of 20,000 tons of frozen fish (cod fish, redfish, etc.) processing capacity, and the annual output of 1.1 billion seedlings kelp, sea cucumber ploughing capacity of 120 tons. is the leading enterprise of agricultural imports and exports. Early in the sea Shenyang City, the town 837 acres of ponds Xin'an sea cucumber aquaculture production, accumulation, etc., from propagating to marketing a complete set of sea cucumber ploughing process, ascending higher and higher prices in recent years sea cucumber, sea cucumber aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, the industry called Jihai belt, shrimp , scallops, marine fish agriculture after the artificial reef sea cucumber aquaculture investment. greatly amplified the company's keeps and marine resources in the scale of sea cucumber aquaculture (fund-raising project is achieved, will join production capacity of 1820 tons of sea cucumber), when the company overall capacity to 1934 tons of sea cucumber, sea cucumber in 2007 the company 14 times the output of 135.5 tons, an unprecedented development prospects of considerable short-term concern.
Chuantou Energy (600,674) is the Sichuan Investment Group's only listed company, the main cause of power production and fiber. The current is the company's power assets the main source of profit, shareholder-rich Sichuan Investment Group into the power assets will continue to be the biggest driving compel for future growth (Sichuan Investment Group, the strength of the net assets of up to 155 million), strengthening the main business of the company is also aggressively involved in optical communications. successful holding of the Sichuan Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Co., Ltd. 75% of Ssangyong's shares, which have covered optical fiber, wire, XDSL broadband access equipment, a complete one-stop necklace, with the production of various types of fiber optic cable capacity of 50 million kernel km. the company announced the proposed acquisition of the parent company held 38.9% shares of Sunbeam after the silicon industry. Sichuan Investment Group, the controlling shareholder has committed to a timely injection of Xinguang Silicon Phase II project. Xinguang Silicon is the first one kiloton polysilicon enterprises (Xinguang Silicon assets are divided into three chapters, a controlling stake in Shin Kong Silicon ownership Sichuan Investment Group, Sichuan Investment Group, the assets will be cast into the River of energy, and Tianwei change and Leshan Power will be holding Xinguang Silicon were two second period, the operation of these two items unattended), is officially approved by national structure China's largest polysilicon production projects. Project total investment reaching 12.9 billion yuan, a very good the market landscape will alteration the nature of the company's fundamentals, the recent surge in the market price of silicon, the company has notice of substantial growth in performance, is the second rally of the leading new energy sector, attention can be tracked.
Yueyang Paper (600963), Hunan Provincial forestry industry leading enterprises, the company has a large area of ​​Dongting Lake area where the artificial poplar wood and annual production of 60 tons of Wei Di, can conveniently buy paper raw material, newsprint makers relating to other more cost-advantage.'s acquisition of the Xiangjiang River Paper Co.,escorts toronto, Ltd. is based on the production and sale of kraft cardboard-based, the company this year will send about 4,000 million net profit. It should be famous that the company's existing 105 million mu of forest land in 2009, the company may be tearing -2011 the largest of three years. 2.57 billion investment in the construction of mechanical pulp with an annual output of 40 million tons of paper publishing projects, great support by the provincial government has introduced two sets of the annual output of 20 tons of paper in the world-class paper machines producing 550 tons a day of international perfected level of garbage paper deinking pulp production line, processing will also be supporting the construction of the scale at 6 million cubic meters of sewage management works, and the cogeneration project, put into operation with an annual output of paper and paper products up to 40 million metric tons, and annual sales income of 30 billion yuan, and broad development prospects, the recent appreciation of the renminbi Great Leap Forward, the company will activity a catalytic role, the appropriate attention.
Kaaba development (600,322) is the Tianjin City assets, the largest real estate development companies, ranked the nation one of the top 200 real estate development enterprises. by a strong development capabilities,025 Click apt view, the company and the Government has built good cooperative relations, way to some location, the cost conveniences of quite real estate projects, such as Tianjin Bay project, south of the new home, the Kaaba U.S. domain, Hangu west old town, hangar logistics zone projects. the company has invested about 5.1 billion pre-competition to acquire the new family port of Tianjin dual 123, 124, 125 contrive and the new family of 06 Ming Wah, 03, the right to block development projects (five plots of land zone of ​​621,800 square meters, construction zone of ​​770,000 square meters). The company has high profitability of projects such as the Kaaba U.S. domain , Tianjin Bay, Hangu a land development, Ping Shing House, and so should Binxi Road project will converge on the 2008 to 2010, sales of the equilibrium sheet, while the company benefited from the development of Binhai New Area, the hereafter worth seeing amenable to, fitting attention.
Comment on short-term (a very smart short-term benchmark):
(08.04.09 8:00) market closed yesterday, out of a third root Yang Xian, long and short drastic combat throughout the day in a shock outcome in the broader market into However, sustained temperate volume exaggeration, indicating funds have continued to increase presence, the popularity is gradually reinstated. The stock market has been the opportunity to continue to be manufactured, principally in business environment as a banner of subject shares, driving main theme stocks revival . is a blue chip with the corresponding weakness have emerged a large number of stocks in early trading after a sell-off continued reduced ascribed down to show the market mentality is still very unstable ownership, so in operation to avoid chasing the high, low bounce of the pith of a duplicate, retrieve naturally from the rebound of high purpose. At the same time because it is only a rebound, so investors in the short-term rebound in stocks may be appropriate to lighten up too much to avoid. (Trader: Rui)
afternoon assessment value (navel value of sound investment):
agency rumors (rumors of bodies inside the interchange):
2008 - 4-8 Turnover in the two cities was 141.93 billion yuan, an increase of about 14.35 billion yuan than the before day, about 3.26 billion of web inflows. Although there have been a hundred points the previous day in Yang Xian, but the broader market remains under-funded enter the market, mainly in the brokerage, real estate sector, while the first two days did not show the panel, such as aviation, coal, energy saving, three, Olympics, rally tumultuous defended, Yao City, the Shanghai Composite Index closed up 0.36%, to close at 3612.5 . the broader market turnover has been amplified, funds are gradually returning the plates, which have the panel to support the role of beyond gains, the plates have the chance to rebound, April has a agreeable profit opportunities. the real estate section a few days after the adjustment, signs appear to must start anew, tomorrow is worth care. financial transactions the altitude four are: real estate, banking, non-ferrous metals, coal oil. web inflow of capital larger segments: real estate (+9.3 million), brokers (+ 730 million), Olympic (+7.2 million), environmental protection (+6.7 million). net outflow of large blocks of funds: Bank (-3.1 billion), steel (-2.8 million). the real estate section a mighty upside, some 9.3 billion of net inflows. net inflow of capital stock are larger: the evolution of Tianjin Binhai, China Vanke A, China Sports Industry, AJ shares, Poly Real Estate, investment real estate. the plate before the broader market rally, is an of the leaders, expected there is still room. energy saving about 720 million net inflow of asset, the plate actions prone to pulse, not chasing the tall, the submerge may be short-term care. net inflow of a large stock are: commerce environment, Shenzhen Energy, Marina Energy, Days Branch shares, TEDA share, Fang Xing Technology, the Central Plains Environmental, Kazakhstan investment shares, net long green. Olympic plate actions also prone to urge, not chasing the high, short-term concerns can bargain. net inflow of large stocks are: China Air China, China Sports Industry, lilac stock, Beijing bus, Yanjing Beer, Xidan Market, shares in the boat, Advanced Technology .2008-4-8 public information on entire private equity transactions, stock transactions in the lead pool: Lanzhou Minbai Shanggong Shenbei Dong Hua Technology (Masukura apparently), Xiamen Port (small Masukura), Chongqing, Hong Kong and Kowloon North Sea, the National Development Capital Environmental Protection Pacific (huge sell-off), Shanghai Airlines Shenzhen Energy ST Salt Lake (personal Masukura, a public offering shipping), Qianjiangshenghua Kane shares (shipping was).
recent news: SFC stop financing Ping, Ping (601318) public relations official said, and now a lot of rumors about China's Ping An, Ping this does not make anybody appraisal. If the peace has been officially approved in China, the company will be announced through official channels. Insiders said that the financing of peace is still unknown if the application has been submitted, now pass the credibility of the Commission does not stop the financing of peace large. listed companies in accordance with natural financing conditions and programs, financing options and financing Ping scale is unlikely by the SFC.
recent news: Jiulong Electric Power (600,292) equity investment in mining is expected to Celestica put into operation next year. but for of high sulfur coal in Chongqing, the cost per unit will increase desulfurization, which makes the company's profit margin has decreased. Chongqing Jiulong Electric Power Co., Ltd. Securities Department, said a staff member: this item probably in late 2009 to early 2010 product. the recent coal price, relatively great oppression on power companies, we are prepared to invest several coal companies to ease the pressure. can only mention that coal prices on the profits of power companies will have some impact, But how to know depends on the specific inquiry of the investors themselves.
Rogers, author of the Quantum Fund, is mentioned in the book are extremely optimistic about the future of expressway shares, he believes each 1,000 Americans immediately have 700 automobiles, and thousands of human in China, only 24 vehicles, the highway share a sunny future. He believes in straight investment in China's investment vehicle than stocks toll highways, he issued in the book listed companies in China, ;, including Anhui Expressway (600 012) to row in its by the great support of the citizen industrial policy. Recent urban transmission construction company and alleged the establishment of investment and joint venture investment in Anhui Expressway Ning Xuan Hang,beijing massage, jointly invested in Anhui Expressway Ning Xuan Hang (the company invested 70 million yuan in cash, representing 70% of the shares ), optimistic about the future development potential.
recent news: Dalian Sun Asia (600 593) has to re-suspension. Dalian Sun Asia Tourism Holding Co., Ltd. Securities Department, said a staff membership, there is not plan in this regard, I do not know the specific circumstances, the rumor credible.
Microsoft Chief Executive Steve. Ballmer sent a letter to Yahoo advisers over the weekend that whether they do not accede among 3 weeks of handle with Microsoft, they will Yahoo launched a hostile command. the premier period in two days after Yahoo capital executive Jerry Yang and leader Roy Bostock issued a reaction apt the letter, Ballmer repeated their outlook namely the current $ 42,250,000,000 Microsoft's offer seriously underestimated the merit of Yahoo, but They likewise said that if the software monster and the handle namely better than other adoptions, Yahoo will continue to keep one open idea above the deal. They too said that Ballmer's letter mistakenly describes the negotiations between Yahoo and Microsoft properties. Yahoo has been and Microsoft on the integration and regulatory issues, and many other appearances of the constructive talk; Given Yahoo has rejected Microsoft's initial suggestion, and Ballmer recommended price would reduce the train of Yahoo, Ballmer phoned Yahoo's denial to talk a deal The dialectic is truly puzzling.
2008 年 4 7, has reached RMB 7.002 yuan opposition the U.S. USD, from Financial gunpowder into a stage of development, while the yuan gratitude will attract a lot of worldwide capital into China, the peppery money is only dangerous to the start of the invasion, the withdrawal of peppery money is the real crisis. at this point, regulators have a very clear understanding. the central bank from last year the starting has been undertaken to strengthen supervision of cross-border capital streams, this year's efforts will increase. yen after 70s of last centenary keen gratitude opposition the dollar for years, up to 2.5 times the appreciation of the stock market also rose in the 80's 3 times. The restriction of peppery money has brought the stock market will break. the early 90s of last century, the Nikkei concordance to a high of 39,000 all the way down, then dropped behind two years to 14,000 points, is considered the world's worst stock market crash A.
recent news: Shen Shenbao A (000019) The recent trend is very strong, because Hong Kong industry into Shenshen Bao A Watson reason. rumor also mentions that the company's total share capital of only 1.8 million shares, the Hong Kong Department Section after the system entered the rapid expansion of capital will, most promising into the Shenshen Bao Hong Kong Watson industry, Coca-Cola to convert the second Shenshen Bao, Shen Shenbao tea abrasive supply accounting for 30% market share, with a clear monopoly advantage. Thus, Shen Shenbao A has the potential to transform the 2008 ox stock.
recent news: willow Steel shares (601,003) will invest heavily in the acquisition of tens of billions of assets of the Group. Recently, a source said: Waugh Chinese Medicine (002107) private placement will be approved. recent news: Jingneng Thermal Power (600578) private placement will be 7.0 billion China Life to acquire international assets can. news recently: Hong Kong Quartet Holdings shares will be re-AJ (600643).
recent news: Zanthoxylum (600 249) will be re-Guangxi Chinese can mining, and 1 million shares of Gulf Bank to receive the upcoming distribution. Another source said the company performance of 2.35 per share for the 2007 Annual Report yuan, net assets of 12.9 yuan per share, 9.5 yuan per share .2008 fund a quarterly: performance of 1.2 yuan per share, net assets per share, 9.4 yuan, 6.1 yuan per share, Provident Fund (annual target peccadillo rate of 2% or less). < br> In a recent National Bureau of Statistics data shocked the mall. the first two months of state-owned undertaking profits fell 5.6%, including power and petrochemical industries hit hard, the petrochemical industry wastage of 20.2 billion, meantime the power industry is a negative growth of 61%. to discourage inflation is the basic objective of the current macro regulation and control, electricity, purified oil prices are strictly restricted resources. China Electricity Council published data confirmed the alarms of power enterprises. The file show that the first two months of this year by snow and ice storms climate and ascending coal prices, the monetary prices and other ingredients, the power level of a substantial ebb in corporate profits, including large-scale loss of power companies up to 41%, the additive loss approached 138 billion yuan, an boost of 218% over the same period last year, power generation enterprise losses accounted as 69.55% of total industry losses. relevant human in charge said that this is a general loss of the entire industry comprised in thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power and new vigor, the location is there had never been before. One does not those who hope to be appointed, said the first quarter of 2008, 5 power generation groups, in appending to appearance Huaneng, Datang, Huadian, State Power and China Power Investment Group, the 4 major groups have emerged of the losses. extra approximately the industry: power industry has entered the worst of times. Yangtze Power announced electricity in the first quarter decreased by 2.6% year on year. The diagrams demonstrate the results of pertinent statistics: in the first 15 min, the citizen electricity enterprises have great losses, including thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power and air power including the full loss. The latest newspaper is a quarterly notification Jiulong Electric Power fell 50%. the market response to, and await and look. as to the current situation, although coal prices fall, but still can not make general increase in electric power enterprises Lee.
recent news that: development of the market, if I also use such high taxes, I said I was encouraging the development of this market, I meditation this is a big lie. regulators of the program due to hit the nerve, resulting in the correction col. CCTV One insider said: , there are problems will not announce. In that circumstance, those who lambasted the Commission's news, is it variety of sweet potato has long been home to a close.
Waigaoqiao (600 648) is one of 15 a Free Trade Zone, the merely listed corporation, after 10 years of development, the enterprise has accumulated rich experience and client resources Free Trade Zone Development, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone is the largest free commerce area, with the size of the lawful launch of the Yangshan Deepwater Port, Outer Bridge and the Yangshan Deep Water Port Free Trade Zone will supplement every other, connection to build Shanghai International Shipping Center. It is worth mentioning that the company recently announced private placement programs, Waigaoqiao and Waigaoqiao Group will invest Dongxing, directed issue of shares does not surpass 4.2 billion shares, the issue price of not fewer than 16.87 yuan. and placed a value of 6.342 billion yuan of assets, which method that, Waigaoqiao Group's main assets into the listed company to attain the overall market. if successful, will mainly address the company Waigaoqiao Group and the championship amid the industry. company funds quality and profitability will be larger increase, net profit will be greatly promoted prospects to look inward to.
SAFE Chinese officials: the abatement restrictions on QFII, Li Dongrong, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said that China is to amend the relevant rules, abatement mechanism for eligible foreign institutional investors (QFII) the restrictions, including alien institutional investors reduced investment below the QFII mechanism to ban the servant capital market sale period. QFII quota increase late last year after the latest push in line with China to cultivate the QFII mechanism often referred to, the development of domestic capital markets. But, Li Dongrong made the comments at the time of large significance, since in the domestic stock market continued to decline since the end of last year, the occasion,shenzhen massage, remarks may indicate that the Government supports the development of the market. Chen hand: hold QFII point came in 6000, it came living again in 3000 in, really a (601,919) is a set of dry majority shipping, container shipping, logistics, terminal and container leasing as an integrated shipping company, has the largest container shipping fleet, its parent company Cosco Group is the world's second largest integrated of shipping companies, and strength. Yejiyuzeng report from the company in 2007, shows the company's profits in 2007 will exceed the original estimate of 50%, according to a conservative estimate of 50%, 07 annual profit will exceed 18.0 billion, then in consensus with The total share capital after the issuance of 10.2 billion shares to calculate, in 2007 earnings per share is expected to reach 1.76 yuan or more, the 2007 price-earnings percentage is only less than 17 times, and then considering the current share price has closed beneath the company by the end of 2007 the issuance of increased 30 yuan price, the current valuation magnetic with a larger, on the other hand, from Sea Sheng first quarter 2008 growth of more than 90% of the marine transport market can be seen in the rumble are still improved. So in this time accretion of high-quality placement of dry bulk shipping assets, the representation is expected to hasten the unlock of this year. In addition the company will be feasible in the afterward 08 into the tanker assets, which will permit the company's sales income is more diversified.
recently It is said: the mining sector in the territory of Suichang found a gold mine, reserves are colossal. now apply to the higher development of the mining sector, in order to support a regional company, intends to share the gold project note Ru Kaien (002,012) . Another source said was planning to secretly buy the Japanese NKK Kane shares, the Japanese NKK Group is a business within the electrolytic capacitors the classic international group, while Kane NKK shares outside of Japan is in addition to series production of high, middle and low voltage electrolytic capacitor paper products manufacturers. NKK of Japan plans to secretly obtained through the capital market in China NKN tradable shares to majority shareholder status, combination of the two electrolytic capacitor paper after electrolytic capacitor paper instantly holds 94% market share, Japan NKK Gongsi electrolytic capacitor can be a substantial increase in paper prices, access to industrial monopolies.
global rice production from 1980 to 2000 increased by 40%,shanghai escort, while after 2000 only by 5%. China, Egypt, Vietnam and India, four rice exports total volume of global 1 / 3 of the country, this year has been tightened by means of tariffs and other rice exports; Indonesia that has the intention; in the world's largest rice importer, the Philippines, government investigators approximately the edible storehouse raided late last month against hoarding Rice's action; The World Bank has warned that food and energy prices due for 6 years to reach the maximum point, Mexico, Yemen and other 33 countries may face at one of the most athletic Chinese economy in Zhejiang, the treatment of the road by with the nation's largest sock market, the pearl market and the plywood market, surrounded by the prominent Shaoxing Textile Yiwu Small Commodity market and the market economy has brought boom growing vehicle, the company operating the road as Zhejiang southwest wholesale distribution of oil and gas major with a complete sales web, 20 million tons of oil on the scale of operation. The business of local and adjoining cities and counties preoccupy a large market share, development prospects.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I propose apt cost the fashionable computer year

By September , which means the end of summer holiday , the educate of the student-
----- think of a few years ago in September away , I was acknowledged to Beijing from his hometown university. school ,toronto escorts, I was 1 behind The baggage , set foot above the practice leap for Beijing . I do not know their adored ones to mail me to school would be favor if the location in the summer of that year I merely kas long asthey have grown up , you can care for yourself , so select Go to school .
current motorcar in Lawton with a lot of red tape reported fleeing nigh me ,toronto escort, when anything settled down, I just want silence in mattress, not eating, not thinking, no even To do more commutes with the roommates , so that we entire initially mused I was a quite nice human to get forward .
University final year , everyone in the bustling work when I do not anxiety, when we are all Ben After what I suddenly , and began to run around . Coincidentally, in early September , I work to appliance , and began a life of busy bureau operators . This year, I went from obscurity , gradually acknowledged , and now has Have their own web of people , and gradually have their own explicit intention ....< br> afresh in September that, if still a student , I intend to cost the new school year, how . Today, notwithstanding the body at go , for me It namely the appearance of new work , how do I propose to ? ? relatives and friends kept inquiring me: Why do not Kaoyan ? I know,254 the Office of Criminal Love Story 4, to give up that someone so numerous human can not understand , although we do not necessarily kas long asmy difficulties . Now , I think I think approximately it , and I should not put down your books , studying endless !!!
busy , come on !!

right male is

First, how do you understand the development.
1, the leader of the bureau alternatively post is along to law, but the ultimate analysis, given by the human. from the office functions but also a responsibility, namely is to serve the people's duty. Leadership ability leadership responsibilities and lawful rights and interests are unified. anyone party chairman, should the party and the folk responsible for the responsible authorities and higher authorities.
2, promoted the pursuit of asset is the power of the exploiting class values. weeklies continue to disclose leadership cadres, corrupt, hard fill and absence to sink into custody of the disgrace, should study a course.
3, serving the people,World tuberculosis Day, not people make determinations, because it reverses the master-servant relationship. Marx praised the Paris Commune leaders and directors are > 4, the essence of communism is the ultimate realization of prevalent boom. common prosperity is not equal to sync off, but genuine fatigue and legal operations to grant people to obtain wealthy first, and then achieve common prosperity. official term, will enrich the people side.
5, the official who should no have instant success, should not Jiezeeryu, should seek instant representation. must consider the environmental benefits, conservation of ecological balance. have to think the social benefits by the disbursement of spiritual culture tin not be acquired because the spend of the development of material culture.
6, official must be a deep knowing of schooling namely the economy and social development of the nation, namely apt develop high-quality personnel positions, namely to purify social air of the reach is to attain coordinated and sustainable development of 2 civilizations, the only direction.
Second, how the current leadership sometime pate of the correct management? (time 7 minutes)
1, to continue and carry forward the strengths and advantages of the former leadership, while requirements of the development of the situation and the problems alter reform, to be innovative. It should be punctuated that: any unit masses are surely led to new leadership compared with the old for well for comprehensive approximation of both wish and desire for his heiress and avoid the long Yang ancestor predecessor's disabilities. If you do not understand the position in the hereafter, principally the leadership of the avails of And it is the lone, or unwarranted charges opposition the former leader, blindly veto, is ample is enough admission, and to develop their own distinctive style. to make up for its shortcomings, or to correct its misdeed, nor is it subserved , pay attention to methods, seeking practical results.
2, avoid nepotism CD faction promoted test of leadership or collective leadership is allied. The new system of exchange of cadres and public culling of leading cadres of the initiatives to help prevent and surmount the , right male is, the use of and exercising in both, regardless of how the interference of assorted webs.
3,toronto escorts, avoid rhetoric, confusion sake of production objections. calculate double before words, consider twice. Promises must be kept and movement must be resolute. few words, extra action. If his inauguration, he will make unrealistic goals, lightly the masses have lost trust in the leadership of reducing the wastage of prestige, and honor of leading an indispensable condition to fulfil its functions.
4, should not have quick success, the pursuance of short-term efficacy. If the restless, eager to make a performance, regardless of the overall interests and long-term interests, regardless of social and environmental benefits, is leap to backfire,beijing escort, boomerang. quick success not a worm is a careerist who can only fish in distressed waters, shall not penetrate the sun. < br>

no material what happens

Dear Mr. President, differentiated President, ladies and gentlemen, Mr President, at the outset I would like to thank Xu Zhihong President, thank you so quite friendly and warm admission and discourse, especially in the prestigious Peking University in China, quite Thank you for inviting me to come to this divine area of China's political modernization, detail aboard the Sino-French narrations and the prospects of French outlooks and aspiration.
Dear friends, tomorrow will be the world power of China, one can even say the world largest power. This rapid prosperity and progress forward, not only will change the face of China, will change the face of the world. We need to work attach to make the necessary analytic, the development of China on the global political, economic, cultural, ecological balance, the impact of joint analytic.
numerous of you people, the future will become the future leaders of China. your action, your imagination, your decision-making, not only will determine the The future of new China, but also affect the future fate of the world. because in the elapse no longer exists indeed probability, and you will live in a intricate and changeable,toronto escorts, unstable but magnetic world.
in such a world, increasing interaction between people, economic development, science and technology, invention, will be for us to win penury, to build a global rectitude to bring new hope, so that each culture will have their place.
but in such a world, we will see, terrorism arrogance got the upper hand, some countries insist, in violation of its international commitments, with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, to appliance the power policy.
the world full of contradictions, one of the global resurgence of nationalism and wavering between the West and Islam, secular and religious, north and south, meager and rich countries, between cultures of the world face increasing danger of detachment. but long history of abuse who are the people of the country, this is a hopeful world. particularly in Asia, the fast ascend of emerging boom of countries in the world, with thousands of years of history and culture rooted in a fashionable modern model the West has slowly lost its avail of.
the world has become so complex, so interdependent, that no one power can not arbitrarily dominate this world.
precisely because the world is still hovering in the between stability and confusion, because we still memorize the words of Confucius's philosophy, perilous, and in a mighty, legitimate, for the people to accept the framework of international organizations, shared responsibility; in harmony, righteousness, solidarity beneath the prelude that globalization is well controlled and the behalf of mankind.
line this belief, the French support the reform of the United Nations to strengthen its legitimacy, expanding the Security Council so that it can characterize the new balance of the world.
In this conviction, we are compliant to build a political Europe, this belief leads us to the full work, let Europe to imagine the political responsibility to protect world peace. This belief has prompted us and other Group of Eight summit in the environment of global economic organization, is committed to establishing a talk with the emerging powers. This belief also prompted us to for the admission of cultural variety and make unremitting efforts, especially via the Declaration no power confrontation, only common interests between us. It is for this reason, the French first made some major recommendations, seeking to shrink the distance between Asia and Europe, such as establishment of ASEM, the EU and China, India, Japan and other Asian countries to establish strategic cooperation between the partnership and contribute to the EU will soon ratify the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Dear friends, in recent years, the globe faces a serious emergency, the crisis had led to some countries share general merits ​​with each other apart. I feel namely today we can better laud the importance of the multinational community is knitted in this morale of solidarity ought be reflected of special note in the United Nations Security Council. for the face of peril The worst direction to every his own and did nothing. This namely a mutual responsibility in Europe and China, France and China to accept namely outlook to amplify a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. the face of North Korea and Iran's deeds, multilateral communism should be showing its effectiveness, if left unchecked, we ambition lose entire inspire, credibility and legitimacy. stand means that we face a threat to international peace and security when the submissive, alternatively encourage acts of unilateralism , and the consequences and difficulties, we have witnessed over.
This is today's reality, for the love of independence and the spirit to resist foreign assault, we have respect for citizen sovereignty, ceremony of the rule of non-interference in interior affairs. But When a country contrary to its agree, a threat to peace, we must follow the collective norms, to take the necessary measures and actions, to defend world peace and security.
no one can tolerate violence opposition the civilian population, the line is horizontal acts of impunity. In Africa, Darfur, the United Nations should protect the civilian population has been recognized, so we are united, act in strict consensus with the Charter. In this spirit of collective responsibility, I determined to partake in this special tribute to the People's Liberation Army stationed in Lebanon, the United Nations temporary reinforcements, also praised China on the establishment of peacekeeping actions exercising center's decision, these practices can reflect the reputation and role of the United Nations, which is a very important initiative.
darling friends, the urgency of the political crisis should not be make us forget the other global challenges posed by the threat, because these threats and even influence the survival of mankind.
intensified in human ecology to be devastating to the looting, when an unprecedented ecological crisis is taking fashion. Because China is a extensive, rapid development and selection of its decision on the balance of global warming and the environment will have a meaningful impact.
However, we kas long asthis immediately built on abuse and waste of natural resources on the industrial development model, if the worldwide promotion of the human will be in serious jeopardy.
If the earth becomes incapable to breathe, then what is the use of economic progress it? China's economic growth is not nothing appreciated, but it is in the sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions, respectively, the first and second highest in the world. developing the economic and retention natural resources and retaining ecological equilibrium, coordination between the 3, is in its eleventh five- year blueprint is determined to react to the challenge. It is for this reason that the French initiative to establish a United Nations context organization, and shrieked on China to answer to this initiative.
With the advance of globalization, most of China with animation and activity engaged in the process of modernization. in the rest of the world, particularly in Africa, hundreds of millions of males and women and babies are still living in the forgotten corners of progress, much poverty, ailment and despair of the undergoing. Faced with this grim challenges, we should not be allowed to gravity. The next session of China's m m France,toronto escort, Africa and the black summit will be our work together to assist the poorest countries a good chance. because of health and health concern should be the rights of all. I am convinced that the Chinese on the International Drug Purchase Facility will soon start to invest characteristic support. because the ailment has no boundaries, so we must often aspire to strengthen international cooperation. At this point, all the aid China control the world : Dear friends, in the long-standing bilateral relations, that is, General de Gaulle once wrote gorgeous a friendly relationship, we have never so much positiveness that our friendship is built on mutual respect, let us all plan, even the most ambitious plan, can become a reality. China hopes to build a harmonious society, China hopes to strengthen human rights, strengthening emancipation, democracy, and make a commitment to ratify the Convention on Civil and Political Rights. I Convinced that such practices within some of France's beliefs can aid your country to persist to think, because if the people of China as a natural development, and a long history of cultural development, the pattern of our Republic has been the ideal of the Enlightenment and universal values ​​of the French Revolution, the model can also be a push towards democracy and human rights in China as a good source of inspiration. *** This is the President and I equitable signed a major significance of the joint statement.
Dear Friends, Once another, I reiterate, you are the brain of China's future, the future will rely on our mutual efforts, is not able to open to the world, is not able to go further stereotypes, get rid of the antique structure, open your heart to the world. I would also like to say that face the challenges of morrow, you need to have extra sense of responsibility and solidarity. because consensus is power, there is no opposition, let the world multi-polarization, we were able to make peace, prosperity and harmony of people needs.
This is France, Europe and China, the grand blueprint. the world depend on us, we depend on the world, China's Long live, long live France-French friendship forever!
Peking University students to answer questions
[Beijing University of International Relations Undergraduate Zhao sophomore]: Mr. President, I am very pleased to hear your speech. you know, France is the EU's maximum important countries, China is the fastest growing countries in East Asia. increasing economic cooperation between the two countries , but some commented that the world superpower mm face of the United States, the relationship between China and France-US relations can never be exceeded and the French-American relations, what do you think of this comment? and you think the relationship between the three positioning how?
[Chirac]: should not be viewed from the perspective of competition, international relations, France and China, cooperation in a variety of reasons, including economic and political factors, cultural factors particular to promote our cooperation. We should profoundly understand each other We trust each other, have a long friendship. Of course, China with the rest of the world, some big powers to maintain good relations, including the United States or other European countries and Asian countries. Therefore, I think today the world's a big country and tomorrow the world's a big country, with all countries should maintain nice relations. like this area, I think each country should respect each other's countries, the culture, to respect other people's cultures,
first necessary to understand other people's culture. So, I think all the world's countries should further understanding of Chinese culture and language, I wish to do so, I hope France can do this.
[04 Chemistry, Peking University grade students]: First of all Welcome to Beijing, came to Peking University students to study science as you please briefly outline your current research environment and learned atmosphere, preoccupying students like us, your country any advantage? Thank you, !
[Chirac]: We try to develop research in each area, first of all a academic study, research and practice as well. Recently, the Government would ask Congress to pass a judgment, making the research work in France to modernization, while also providing financial support to support research in this place. because we are aware of progress in research and innovation are an important part of the world, at the outset, academic studies, particularly the chemical and other technological research in the field .
[Peking University Institute of Chemistry, 04 students]: On behalf of myself and my students to pay tribute to the friendship between China and France, I wish you a pleasing tumble to China flat!
[alien students]: People that China will be a world power, what will China do to achieve that goal?
[Chirac]: I am Prime Minister Tony Blair said this sentence does no make any comments, he is one of my colleagues, too a friend. But I entirely understand that the Chinese do, to bear the responsibility for the future of the world. As I said, China may be in the next 50 years, 1 of the world's great powers. Of way, this needs to be done a huge effort, 1st efforts have research divisions, for well as innovative efforts. I fully believe the Chinese youth people, they are fully capable to cope with this dare. At the same period to effect this goal, but also absence to do this in peace and in China stability is a model we should study from, like, favor what Chairman *** to build a harmonious society. Now our demanding world, while China can follow the tradition of previous train, to quest harmony class. archaic Chinese have the tradition of seeking agreeable society, so it can use this experience to be erected to the universal model.
[Peking University graduate student in French]: Good afternoon, Mr. President! I have 2 questions. First, the pertinent policies? second answer, almost Turkey connecting the EU, the future of Turkey joining the European Union you have anybody remark?
[Chirac]: About your first question, I think this label mm most French people, they expressed their views, they said functionality and operation of an opposed and rejected. So when I say Europe when, in fact the European Constitution in the hope of a authentic development, the real project, which is Europe's governors that the more able to meet the European appetite and an motif of ​​their needs, not only related to the operation of the various agencies in Europe. We understand that political and decision-making bodies, they are more concerned about the European Constitution, but in common people do not understand.
the European enlargement, we want to know, because this district of Europe have had a lot of battles, battles in history. So the expectations of Europe is to let the peace in people's ideas, so deeply rooted democracy in all democratic countries are like this. If that is the case, should not have boundaries, there should be no frames, because peace and democracy, beginning from our view, expand, and throughout the farther the better, yeah it will bring some of the problems.
[Chirac]: Turkey if EU membership fjust aboutme countries is not so cozy to accept, because in Europe, where some structural changes, operating in 27 countries and the previous 10 is not the same country, of course, to feature smoothly is not cozy to be a major event. There are many in the financial impact on the expansion of citizenship to pay for State funding, originally joined the European countries promised to pay the new Accession States the spend of many more. So, to explore the country they are not affordable, there are many problems. But the principle should be good, we should salute the expansion of Europe.
you ask the Turkish accession, this problem Indeed, we thought the Turkish applying for EU member, all European countries have accepted its applying, and began its accession negotiations with Turkey, a kind of conditions. Of course, the mean human that the customs and traditions of Turkey and the European continent is not same, so will bring some difficulties, both sides have made great efforts to change their habits to each other. whether the Turkish side in Europe or here, should be to make great efforts. I still can not vouch that Turkey's accession will be, but we accept Turkey's application for the hope that Turkey will take responsibility to meet all the conditions.
[Physics of Atmospheric Science, a third year student]: I ask you two questions First, we all understand you like football, in increase to the French team, Which team you like? Also, do you think the world of sports in the pattern of international relations can play what role? Thank you!
[Chirac]: First to response your first question, of course I enthusiastically assist the French team, not matter what happens, I muse this is very natural that you would not be surprised. But you inquire the first question The second portion, I do not say, because I can not say that a country's football team better than distinct country, not to mention periodically the time will bring some alterations. As for physical activity is not able to in the modern world of international what one major role in relations, we can see some international emulation plays a big role, really is a international accident, into a important event in the world, the world's consideration, the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing presently, this are an international event, but also for China is a very big event. I am convinced that time the world have to pay care to China and Beijing, which China views the world will bring great influence, both in psychologically, spiritually and economically, will send great impact. I sincerely wish Beijing to host the Olympic Games, 2008 Games a success!
[Chirac]: will be held in 2010 another major event, Although not the Olympics but is also very great, and I wish the success of the 2010 World Expo.
I would join, some Chinese students when I saw that France should give us a visa, that we go to France to learn. I said : Chinese students,fraught out a long appearance the practice station Team, there are twenty-five thousand Chinese students will soon chance a fifty thousand Chinese students .2006 8,000 visas issued in the future this digit will grow. Therefore, Chinese young people want adventure in France, we sincerely encourage you to France, we will receive you properly, we have great esteem for you, adore you, because we love the Chinese nation, and we wish speed up young Chinese to learn French, to France to. Thank you!

the Post Bar

Half did not update, and I idle. Oh,this namely a colossal population of China's important transformation, the whale of the play ~ ~
I may denounce, support me or however, do not attention. I reprehend no an, your center is entire die.
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along the direction, really touched that so many really good petulant maddening. so long to disburse, the result is this. At night I constantly think, Why me, I'm really so useless? A Post Bar is needy management, was said to be not influential person. really good can not be reconciled, I kept thinking to tears, he was too useless ...
rain later told the story quiet, a nice friend. she began to very me,toronto escort, so I have some smug. Then said I may have to leave the bar, she said, and I rather throw without thinking (I was fair to her these words ...). As entities grow bigger , became the only adoption left, I did not expect the rain ambition accompany me go quiet. when I opened just to say namely she directed by the face, and did no meditation namely true, ah now we have moved away, the Post Bar , have our good memories (of 514 reasons to adore Ying), everything is gone, no longer absence, and live well every daytime! rain static, we make you a lifetime friend, it really?
there are a lot of friends must care approximately me, really good thank you, whales will return to everyone and everyone should be appreciate.
Xiao Qi, Xiao Wei, pearly, Mimi, you have a good management of the bar, have you in, stick it will be fine with the ying
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8 gold medals

How should love Liu Xiang?
Text / Li Yi Min
we advocate the notion of the Olympic Games is one of the three Olympics and People's Olympics is the most concentrated statement of consideration, caring, love. Fiercely competitive race in the ; faster, higher, stronger the footsteps of his arms, and chest with his right hand flap, but also looked back, do not care to go to the end, he seemed not in the tense World War II Flying Games, as students ran in the educate playground play is better than hh stroll until a week before circling that wrecked the world record mm9 69 seconds. afterward a reporter asked him if he can not run faster, he nonchalantly said: run faster is not better? I can run 9 seconds 6. Genius swimming champion Michael Phelps has chance a important highlight of the Beijing Olympic Games, obtaining 8 gold medals, breaking the world record 7 mm does not seem to us that Earth can do, seems to be Beijing's surprise. He received a gold medal each as we know it is not noxious to the body via the There is a swimming innate aptitude, the training may be combined with scientific methods, in order to get the brilliant ground-breaking today. If the ascetic manner of training unattended, 8 gold medals, the number of injuries that left him too? yesterday nightfall Bird's Nest track and field's biggest shine smudge called Russia's also narrated a congratulating for yourself? 40 million people under the cautious eye, her amazing jump, jumps over the limits of a new human mm5 m 05,24 times broke the world pole vault world disc. in the Peoples cheering, she was funny to do a along roll, a brilliant smile infected with bird's lair of the crowd. she can record the status of long-term, must be separated from her usual train hard, but his physical condition, health status It should be said has been very well retained, otherwise it will not create one later another superhuman performance.
we see the world the process of these top athletes, we cheer the hero to obtain gold medals; but there are other elements , we periodically emulate the tense, sometimes very cozy, the process imaginary! results so good! athletes too great! they are too eligible a!
great athlete Liu Xiang is China, and he has brought the earth trace and field wonder us also many, also many passion, too many pride! We are pride of this conspicuous athletes! but not the blow of the world! We are so incited to Liu Xiang as China's trace and field star, the media a lot of driving up advertising overwhelming, the Internet is full of million people each manufactured portion hh13 , absolutely, many are preoccupied by Liu Xiang to work, how so many psychological oppression on the top? In increase, Liu has also endured magnificent pain, afflict anguish problems to Liu Xiang. As long large measure of discipline training, Athlete of the injuries are unavoidable. Hurdle foot cardinal part of the Achilles tendon force, said he was five alternatively 6 annuals ago, has been sick, but he has forever insisted on training and rivalry. Results heavier. Yesterday, when Liu Xiang in the off warm-up the pain was unbearable to have been not stand it! 3 physicians with frozen spray,toronto asian escort, to no advantage, but the face of 90,000 observers and the digit of million TV viewers, for the prestige of the motherland, Liu Xiang is still grinding his teeth advent of the hh emerged later that we do not want to penetrate the scene.
I think, since Liu Xiang has been less caustic injuries in the off-site, why let him play to ; Liu Come ashore! it! This is the best conservation for Liu, at the end of the day, the gold medal is not our merely goal mm as too the hero,toronto escort, loser hero. This is also in line with the Olympic spirit, in the ultimate analysis, people are the most valuable.
fact Our crew has been plagued at injuries in always amusements athletes in a few, it's nearly cruel, and usually no unrelated to the education, some of them were is to subserve person health, in order to compete for the gold award and harmed health,we are compliant apt begin from their own . Mongolia 's 4 classes have dispute with the kid, and it runs counter to this spirit. Now the Olympic Games to subserve science and technology, which of way includes the training of athletes, how tin technological training means, both to train a agreeable results, without compromising the health (of way, hard training), for mini for likely so namely actors injured, this should be our goal.
Finally, let us wish a speedy retrieval of our citizen treasure Liu Xiang, you are still tip, Your idea is quite good, you are very smart, you are quite cute, we love you! you will establish a greater honor!
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Qin Dahe, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, researchers, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Third World Academy of Sciences; the current United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) commanders, the Fourth Assessment Report of Working Group I Co-Chair, World Climate Research Programme Climate and Cryosphere Programme (CliC) Scientific Steering Group members, the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Joint Committee, WMO International Polar Year 2007-2008 President of the Inter-Commission Working Group, the International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Scientific Steering Committee Chinese Academy of Sciences of officers, to Division Director, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science Director, National 973 project's main scientist, leader of the Chinese Meteorological Society,folk must mention namely a female nativity also large ., vice chairman of the Geographical Society of China.
the latest science of climate change
Latest Progress on Climate Change Research
the past century, primarily in the past three decades, Earth's climate system is undergoing a warming as the main feature in a significant change. Meanwhile, the global environment has also undergone a major change: water resources shortages, ecosystem degradation, taint erosion, biodiversity detriment, the cryosphere shrink and so on. Climate change has chance a citizen government, the public and industry a major concern.
the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) on global climate change has completed the fourth appraisal report of the 1st evaluation .1990 publication of the report concludes that: In recent years, climate change may be natural fluctuations or human activities alternatively caused by the combined achieve of both of .1996 second appraisal report: Despite the quantitative statement of human activity on global climate impact of capability is still restricted, and some of the opener factors in the uncertainties still exist, yet scale up facts show that human activities impact on the climate have been aware from the Third Assessment Report .2001 stronger certify Zeyi update: In the quondam 50 years, inspected most of the warming Earth's climate, more than 66% may be deserving to human activities .2007 the fourth assessment report concluded that: human activities is possible to be the main reason for global warming, more than 90% this likelihood. The experts on the climate system is portended future scenarios: likened with the 1980-1999 21st century global mean surface temperature could mushroom 1.1 ~ 6.4 ℃; 21 century, high temperatures, heat waves and heavy precipitation may increase the frequency of tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) strength may be enhanced; the 21st century, global mean sea level will ascend from 0.18 to 0.59 m; the Greenland ice canvas recede would lead to sea level continued to rise after 2100; view of the removal of airy CO2 in the time scale required, past and future anthropogenic emissions of CO2 will lukewarm the Earth by more than a thousand sea-level rise continues.
Climate change will produce a array of natural and socio-economic impact: Strong Tendency of extreme weather and climate accidents becoming more natural disasters caused more and heaviness; production additional volatility; increasingly solemn water problems; Glacier shorten significantly; important projects increased risk of safe operation; economically developed coastal places intimidated along rising sea levels; erasure of biological variety; which will likewise human health, industry, tourism, political, economic, diplomatic and so reason a array of effects. It tin be said , extreme weather and climate accidents caused by the misadventure will increasingly .2007 March, the Northeast districts of the 50 annuals history, the most sleet over the same period, South, North caustic drought; May 23, a primary educate in Chongqing, underwent landslides, resulting in deaths; July, the Huaihe River basin of the magnificent overflow happened, a digit of strong tempests seldom buffet major cities, creating journal rainfall log of Urumqi .2008 February, suffered a rare snowstorm in many regions, some provinces and cities power grid collapse happened paralyzed, frozen roads blocked, pressure destruction of vegetation and additional major misadventure, with massive losses. agricultural shock of global warming may be greatest, in which the famous problems facing the 3 are: ① output volatility may increase, expected to drop by 5% ~ 10%; ② layout and structure will change, changes in cropping systems and crop varieties; ③ price and investment will amplify, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides will mushroom.
Here, I would favor to accent the cryosphere and global change warm narratives. At present, the follow-up of cryospheric change and its impact studies have become one international hotspot. so-called composed of solid water ice surround. for many years an area of ​​snow cover 7% of the global ocean, the land area of ​​10%. cryospheric contribution to global sea level, including the Greenland ice sheet, the Antarctic ice sheets, mountain glaciers, ocean thermal expansion; their contribution to sea level are: the Greenland ice sheet (0.2 + / -0.1) mm / year, the Antarctic ice sheet (0.2 + / -0.4) mm / year, mountain glaciers (0.8 + / -0.2) mm / year ocean thermal expansion (1.6 + / -0.5) mm / year. North and South poles as the globe cryosphere two white cap, white hat top area of ​​difference between summer and winter 6 times, the lower part of the pearly area of ​​difference between summer and winter hats 2 times. the Arctic and the Antarctic Peninsula region is changed The most significant regional warming, especially in the Arctic, scientists prefatory view that the earth in 2030 estimated the cryosphere major changes will occur. It means a disaster, the rebate in Arctic sea ice on global sea traffic are becoming increasingly significant .
glaciers in China is a big nation, is an of the countries most adult glaciers, glaciers 46,377 existing Article permafrost area of ​​2,200,000 km2, seasonally frozen floor 70% of absolute land area. glacier change in western China is very colossal, has been continuously shrinking; experts predict that by 2050, the Tibetan Plateau in winter minimum temperature will rise by approximately 3.1 ~ 3.4 ℃, the maximum summer temperatures will rise by approximately 1.8 ~ 3.2 ℃, permafrost warming will threat to the operation of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway Safety. West water shortages, the shrinking of glaciers will mean expanding deserts, shrinking oasis. The most important point is that China is the world's cryosphere important part of the cryosphere, the changes in China will affect the cryosphere Cryosphere world.
and global, as weather and context in China has been and ambition proceed to generate meaningful changes. technological understanding of hereafter weather alteration uncertainty, reinforce the science of climate change and continuously enhance and enhance the people inspire aboard climate system and its change awareness, concerns and climate change remodelling and mitigation amounts apt actively and continuously improve the class and the class of ecological and environmental protection, is comprehensively implement the scientific development notion and building a socialist agreeable society momentous part of the Chinese administration, the mutual ambition of the public and the scientific community. At the same time it ought be noted,toronto escort, climate change narrated science, tall technology, economy, social, political and even foreign field, the natural and cultural punishments, both scientific and technological frontier, and is a national claim, is very important and ought be highly merited. In counting, climate change narrated to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, land resources, environmental protection, stamina, materials, supplies manufacturing (manufacture), transportation, citizen security, ecosystems,beijing massage, human society should be rational to treat hh. Based on China conditions, and between countries of

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further {always|entireentirehings apt all with faultless virtue

【The term transliteration of the Arabic Quran, which manner , books, in other words, in the are reflected in the tempo, and no based on a short segment of a number of rhymes to express a averaging is not that prose rhythm and rhyme. section of the end, just the momentum the reader cease and mawkish absences of the Department. Arab are known to the globe of verse and words of the prominent chapter, they listened comprehending of assorted scholastic forms, there is not such a neatness, so they must say: testimony to Angel Ghibli bid Mohammed Khalil began to begin to drop, ;, is a teach entire subjects and all factions of the empirical foundation above which to establish tenet. br> It's all to create the elementary educations of Islam and the system, yet also reflects the epoch of the Arabian Peninsula Muhammad Greece Trade hereby areas of social reality and the skirmish of Islam spread during the overview of the main contents are as with aspects: <>
struggle. The converge of debate: about the oneness of Allah, Prophet Muhammad's status and , then there is no God religion, it will be At that time Messenger of Allah, is the rank of messenger of Allah. The former said that he is a secular deadly, mortal as the messenger of God can not choose; the latter is that only they are God's can only generate them. However, the polytheists and The mortal can obtain Allah's revelation and so on. on the on issues narrated to religion, Muhammad with them for a long argument. He discharged competitors of revelation announced by the contention, but also performance and established Islam on the faith to Allah, the basic idea of ​​classical and messengers. According to records, the two sides of the Debates in addition to religion, but also involved in politics; economy and military aspects. As the argue of religious thought Muhammad missionary activity throughout the all process , the the highest gods, they trust that Allah pull slavery close to Allah. contention, resulting in the dispose of the universe. God is absolute power, he not ask for any thing. the institution of heaven and earth, moon and stars in the escaping, day and night wheel,toronto escorts, the situation the accident of thunderstorms, factory growth, the production of human and reproduction, and life and death, congratulating asset and position, are determined by the will of Allah. Allah is perpetual, and there are exist before, without starting or end, everything will die, while the body of Allah forever immortal. God is absolutely faultless, further all asset to all with faultless virtue, and his splendid to the nines of human language can not depict it, functions, and superb human governor of the only face of the languid. so people should sincerely abide him, adore him, appeal for his mercy and elegance. <>
2. faith angel. Koran dragged high; some mass Daan La revelation in the prophets, and contribute to the Missionaries of the prophets; some records of people's words and deeds of good and evil; some mercy for the believers to intercede with Allah, or ambition do in life when people get end of their life, and specially such as horns and treatment of the Fire. in the revelation communicated to the Prophet Muhammad. <>
3. belief messenger. apt argue human in becoming agreeable dodge malign, belief in an God. The seraphim likewise animate the ordinary people have died, when the inconsistency is namely they Mengan La guidelines, to accept his detection, can show a marvel. to appoint or actions of the Prophet with 28. The best known namely Noah, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad; and Muhammad is the Prophet's mission inherited elapse experience Inspiration to be achieved through the reward down. special <>
5. beliefs of the end of retribution. In describing end comes, that all things through big turmoil, utterly devastated, and then behavior by reward and discipline. to enter the daytime of park by the reward, punishment to enter Hell. ;>
However, these liabilities in the referred only to bow to Allah, prostrating, sooner or later the compliment, prayer and the night stand and so on, then gradually in the course of missionary join these actions to form entitled wash conditions and other requirements for the Mecca Masjid, also moved to Medina, the Prophet only after provisions. The fasting and Hajj ceremonies in ancient religious traditions to be improved on the basis of religious worship. that tradition, excludes many of them with the content of worship of God, to follow the example set before King Baian La and holy ceremony. in the early Enlightenment, the day of level only as a private good deeds and be encouraged, and later Since the establishment of the Muslim community and the armed, needs some money to solve operational prices and to move persons (622 years and beyond to move from Mecca to Medina, the Muslims) living supplies and other issues, then Zakat will be appointed as Muslim fulfill their liabilities. announced the aggression to fight the enemies of enlightenment allowed, then the creation of armed, has announced a encouraged to participate in battle. but at the same time declared that . Later, with the development of the struggle, which gradually transformed into lively means of barricade crusade against military action to achieve . <>
Mecca credit presented during the Enlightenment parents, presided over judge, support to families, and compassion the meager alone, freed the slaves, generosity, measuring fairness, pride and arrogance against garbage, against adultery, against usury, against murder and the killing of infant girls and a series of others, and no cause to slay the motif of ​​ethical and moral appearances. and later made light of fashionable circumstances such as the Shu people, probity, friendliness, ordered to do good, only evil people, to strengthen solidarity and politeness norms are the content of individual moral character, gradually to adjust the narratives among the Islamic community an important criteria. <>
1. interest-free lend decree 'It queried people to stand by the debtor, such as can not ascertain the scrivener, you can use as parallel in variety. <>
2. Intestate Succession Act. provisions of the deceased's parents and relatives (including babies, brothers and sisters) and has alliances per capita has the right to inherit their property, but the matron should be in conviction, the men scored only half the sum. such as orphans and more allocation times mushroom or diminish the essential delivery of the estate, the deceased must be in the implementation of debt after. <>
3. Marriage. before the heave of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula Although the implementation of monogamy, but deserving to lack of settled wedding and the respective rebate in men caused by combat and other reasons to buy slave concubine, general living more affluent families and tribal kings and, most of the life lived polygamy, or even unlimited polygamy, the wife was her husband at any time can be damage or omit. In testimony and inheritance of property, the two women is equal to one man only, but it that Wife and the conditions and restrictions grant polygamy or satisfied waiter Zuoqie. In addition, to eliminate leftovers of the antique customs of marriage and ensure that the subject of man patriarchal lineage system of the mother against the same generation, their peers, there are blood relations of bottom generation geographical or breast of women and marital women married, while providing the Muslim can not wed with the polytheists in order to protect the interests of Islam and promote the polytheists convert to Islam. <>
4. the criminal law. In order to upkeep, stability, social relations and the established social order, deportation; men and women who commit adultery and those who slander decent women, punishable by flogging of women and men committed to embezzle off their hands, to do emulate suit; rue the guilt of criminal rehabilitation who can apologize (penetrate Islamic law). In addition, in life habits, etc., but also for the ancient Arab forbidden food also much to require only self-dead, out of the blood, meat and non-chanting the name of Allah can not slaughter animals for human expense; for the Arabs alcohol shock of religious activities as a result of intoxication while drinking be prohibited, while superstition and reason disagreement divination, fortune effective and gambling are also prohibited. <>
on the archaic prophets, ; or relating to the character of the yarn, including Adam and his wife, Eva Hardy, cozy Drake Adams, Noah, phone Germany, withdrew legislation of Kazakhstan, and two sons Ismaili Ibrahim, Ishaq , Daoud and his son Suleiman, leaves Jacob and his son Yusuf, Shu Abu Musa and the brother Harlan, Rutter, eminent Ai Bu, Yunus, cozy Leya Si, Jae Kai Liya, Yahya, Seoul withdraw its mom Mary, Earl leaves race, departed Leji Fowler, quit farming, Luge Man, He Dier and the In appending to these characters call Germany, Kazakhstan and Shu Abu withdrawal legislation, the additional person's anecdote can be in the and have the stories, the additional human off the deeds of some radiated amid several chapters, some merely mention of an accident or person made, or even only its name without acquainting anyone of their deeds. These diagrams In counting to Adam and his wife Eva Seoul Ha O Mary Mother of withdrawal and the , Adelaide and Sai Mode persons story. In addition, also referred to escape persecution of polytheism, hid in the cave three hundred annuals later, returns to earth sleep of the the story. and the synthesizer, his improvement of Islam is practiced in the past prophets, religion, restoration and proceeded.
1. records. Inspiration award down period, Xi Guzi although a small number of renowned and important areas of literature and poetry with words etched in stone, but in common literature, discourse, words and long lineage, but saved by the spread of people's memories, which rely mainly on the early revelation of jaws and narrate memory. According to records, Muhammad in Mecca missionary period, some people record the revelation he announced, and the formal setting Revelation Records, who is behind the migrate to Medina. solely on the record of revelation will hear recorded in leather, stone, beast bones or appointment palm leaves ribs, while others have recorded their own revelations heard. After the necrosis of Muhammad, recorded revelation of leather, stone and other scattered records preserved in the hands of those not finishing a book. When Medina The Islamic regime has as yet had period to collate records of revelation, the Arabian Peninsula, there were the record, and should be checked, just copy. to cater that the option of a poetry, there must be other written or spoken stuff as circumstantial certify, the record will not be preferred unilaterally. The postfix after the array into a book, named ; (meaning the collection), to the premier Caliph Abu Bakr; the death of Abu Bakr, Caliph Umar handed over to the second; Umar was assassinated by his daughter, the Prophet custody of his wife Hough race. <>
2. Unity in the last edition of .644 when the Ottoman caliph, Islam had spread to the expedition by with the Arabs outdoor the peninsula, a heap of areas. annotated to people to doctrine, we need to There Scriptures. but in the pool during Abu Bakr's individuals in the scriptures and the scriptures handwritten fractions, not complete, it is unavoidable that mistakes and omissions; combined disc of Scripture text was very easy, synonymous with the addition of various tribal patois are also very complex, and thus seemed the make personal copies of the introduction of the individual words and the pronunciation of some words and punctuation, etc. inconsistencies. In addition, the region of Azerbaijan in the expedition in the Syrian militia Hooser law with the Iraqis, for obedience with its own perusing of the law occurred memorabilia caustic struggle, which shook the Medina in power,Mammalia,beijing massage, so that their awareness of the consensus of manuscripts in the promotion of unity and subserve the importance of doctrine. So Osman, who has appointed Zayd to collect up duration of Abu Bakr This accumulation is based on, re the revised order, unity, also known as city, and declared null and void all other writings be scalded. So far, Muslims around the world are general to the final version. <>
3. sections of choreography. Ottoman final version of the longest of which is 286, the shortest only 3. the width of every chapter and sectiin times, it is said by the predictor through the reading, the basic course to teach reading to determine down. Ottoman final version did not take the time laid in chronological order according to revelation, but will be a prayer with the teachings of Islam as a entire by the programmatic first with some of the Muslim religious life with time and social life is closely linked to the first full-length arrangement, calculating of those described in one God, doomed the worship of many gods and ancient narrative predictor stories in the medium of a long chapter in the schedule, but will show some of the early fall of short placed at the end. Later, the not in full agreement with the meaning of a complete, some are read by reading the sentence to divide, and some parts of speech appears Youyi end of the sentence the same word as the harmonious music section of the flag, so sections of altering lengths. because of some sub-section of the criterion texts have assorted ideas, so the the latter view. Egypt was an early publishing Species apparent section means, and the letters, not vowels and notes, thanks to the instructor to teach pronunciation. However, language, we must try to cultivate and perfect the Arabic alphabet and book. First, the Umayyad dynasty sent the Governor of Basra province Ziad recommended keeping 艾斯沃德杜 Eric do the job. Duai Li then the criterion pronunciation by the Arabs and read every word, so that the pronunciation and the co-worker according to his lip to every of the letters marked on the vowel ending. This and vowel in the ending kind of way, has initially solved the central tail Arabic linguistics change issue. But there are several just like Arabic letters sound differ, writing is still not easy to differentiate, while outside the letter of each word in addition to ending pronunciation of other letters still no sign, reading will be an error. to the period of Caliph Abdul Malik Le Mai, Iraq will be commissioned by the Governor Hajjaji Nasr Salim of the Sui and Yahya A solution to this host problem. They have improved their Du Aili the Sound, the pronunciation of those letters in differ fashions with similar points to be distinguished. to 8 by mid-century jurist, Al-Khalil in Arabic to establish a static character, long intonations, Permian symbols and improved Du Aili vowel punctuation symbols. With the emergence of italics and Arabic are the lawful instruments in extensive use, languages ​​to improve the process of writing about 200 years of experience to l0 half of the century by the Abbasid empire, the opening of the two ministers are good at penmanship, Muge Lai and Ibn Isa Ibn Mujahid in the alms of the academic Writing beneath the final version of the final complete reunification. After the history of the Chapter chapter name, number, sent down sequence and so on. So today's versions of ten - six in 2032) in consensus with the period of transient events, and social development, and to sporadic after different revelation. the first revelation is: read that he had created man with a blood clot. you when read, and your God is the maximum dignified, he was teaching people use a pen to write, he taught people to nameless people. is: fourteen chapters, the Prophet preached in Mecca during the revelation of the eighty-six chapters, he migrated to Medina after the revelation of the twenty-eight chapters, To a decisive thing at that time, or a certain problem, and one or several sections inspiration, and sometimes sent down a whole chapter, for example, the first chapter and the first chapter or two, is a revelation. Prophet Muhammad brought into every course now in front of the gate to teach his disciples; will write, record it immediately put it; not write, and immediately put it to bear in mind in the center, to recite to him face to face, see back I memorize correctly is not correct. They then It imparted to the faithful is not present. the day, they study responsibilities, such as Zayd (Zaid ibn Thabit), Ali ('Ali ibn AbiTalib), Ibn Lammers Oude (Abdullah ibn Mas'ud), Wu hundred yes (' Ubayy ibn Ka'b), Osman ('Uthman ibn'Affan), Anas (' Anas ibn Malik), etc., were famous. Prophet dictated the new revelation to them, they put it on record in a leather or a stone, or date palm bough, or shoulder blades on the camel sheep. 'They record worship, the constantly recited in public, It is holy Disciples of the scheduled, probably longer on the front of the relatively short in the back, but not necessarily so. Therefore, the preparation of Ali, is the series of chronological; and Iraq and weapons of the Mammoth Oude hundred compiled by Christ, have their own unique sequence.
Prophet Muhammad died, Seoul (Abu Bakr) to the king of the second year, Ye Ma Mo (al-Yamama) campaign, can recite all the Pak. Kerr intended order, recruited people to go to Zayd, said to him: systematized a ) record at family to find the information, they only stood file. The third chapters (. They all ) custody.
behind to the calendar twenty-five years (the year six hundred forty-five --- Tiananmen six years), Syria and Iraq, Muslims in the Battle of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Accel went dispute, Jae Hou Fei (Hudbihibnal-Yamani) witnessed this situation, I feel uneasy, return to Medina, the report Caliph Uthman, and advised: to save it. Man ordered Zayd, Ibn left pi Seoul (* bd-ullahibn Zubair), Said (Sa'id ibn al-'Asi), Abdul Rahman ('Abdurrahman ibn al-Harith), who transcribed several Department. Zayd is the Medina and the repose are of Mecca's ancient times people (Quraish), Uthman said to them: , then, according to ancient times you copy it's people's dialect. because the , Damascus, Yemen, Beihailaini, Kufa, hundreds Sola and other areas. Uthman ordered the burning of other manuscripts Yigai. Uthman ordered the copy of the , or Uthman this (Mushaf'Uthman), immediately known as Europe's the (al-Mushafal-contribution.
Later, the Arabsalabo country and the evolution of the cape has a magnificent far-reaching social change, it is also is the learn of Muhammad and Islam and the preponderating social situation in the promontory a quite momentous historical documents. Arabic Language condensed, fast-paced, sonorous, mighty, rhetoric and statements of their language, is still regarded as a prototype of Arabic literature. The proposal and by some of the stories, Islam and Arabic literature has been an inspiration. As Qur'an, Dogmatics and the Arab an major chapter of philosophy; its lawful thought and ethics, for Islamic countries since the Middle Ages by the world governing the country along to authorities. Historically, people in Islamic countries have the banner against the closure ...