Wednesday, April 27, 2011


B Henry Hudson early in 1609 in Manhattan know, I saw was really a beauteous, magnificent organisms thriving wasteland?
Author: Peter b Miller PETER MILLER
Photo: Robert b Clark ROBERT CLARK
Illustration: Philip Markley b Boyer MARKLEY BOYER b Straub PHILIP STRAUB
translation: Wang Li Rui
was razed to the floor in the mounds, wetlands, paved road was long before Manhattan was a magnificent wilderness,sense of justice, chestnut, oak and hickory stands tall trees, salt marshes everywhere, the grass live turkey, deer and black bears mm Road. This long, taper island 21 km long on both sides of Jieyou foam beach, Delaware to the coast to enjoy clams and oysters. a aggregate of over 105 km of streams flowing approximately, and virtually each shade with one alternatively two are only beaver.
Sanderson and other scientists the green light when standing aboard Seventh Avenue, said to me. His idea was emulating a muddy stream,shanghai escort, until it faded in the Broadway Avenue and West 46th Street crossing by the Marriott Hotel afterward gate. there, there is a beaver pool in the past. , and American eels, dog fish and sun fish. some calm period here is many extra, although now is no too noisy. Animal Protection Society, a project namely is supposed as precisely as possible to take basis before the New York City, Manhattan Island looks like. The project cried September 12 p.m., Henry b Hudson and his team navigated into New York apt Hong Kong,toronto escort, found that the moment the isle of Manhattan. , even in human commonly calculate that there is not natural place to talk of, when the eco-complete mechanism can operate, they tin have extremely wealthy in natural scenes. may no only have a spruce woods in northern, as well as southern magnolia forest, migratory birds on the road, and even tropical fish in the Gulf Stream ambition be a visit in the summer. In the end they identified 55 different ecological communities .
instance, there are a 1609 live in Times Square, where the beaver. If you pinch it in the cervix, to drag it out from the Muir network, you can penetrate the faint trace strands contained with the coalition of its : A sauntering stream flows slowly, it as a edible poplar, as well as it secondhand to take the lair of mire and twigs. More than that, you will detect that these beaver dining bobcat, bear and wolf, and it creates in the pond in the survival of frogs, fish and aquatic factories. ; Sanderson said, This month, New Yorkers will celebrate the 400th commemoration of explorers arrived in Hudson, Sanderson wishes that his project could provoke a fashionable curiosity, so that before the arrival of the Hudson Manhattan scenery amuse. Now his crew has been amplifying to more than 50 people, including from the International Wildlife Conservation Society and other organizations of historians, archaeologists, geographers, botanists, zoologists, illustrators, and environmental activists. Every New Yorker knows, the place they live there had been what the ecological richness. Potential mm center that by the time you are willing to see at. No monthly journal of the

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