Friday, April 22, 2011

10 grams

Anti-Computer Radiation Protection vision vegan diet side
(Health Awakening)
of: a heaven-sent award of
pure vegetarian friends is the best pay consideration to nutrition, with friends, choose the plant diet is the main Oh, the preferred coup fruits and vegetables is the best melody, trust it or not, ha ha, ha hh a variety of nutritional implication of which the most noteworthy is that fruits and vegetables can protect eyesight and prevent microprocessor radiation Le.
June 6 for the year World Sight Day, the eyes are we scrutinize the most direct channel for the outside world, yet we care it off when using it is far smaller than the scrutinize shows that almost 73% of white-collar workmen are a household of cups, particularly for long-term work in the face of computer bureau workers, the daily overload of the use of the eyes, not only will make rapid decline in visual acuity, a variety of eye diseases will be to become health risks in the subtle hidden killer.
please carefully read on, the ecology of the factories had to be created to encounter your needs.
one. can improve vision in the food
protect eyesight , control eye diseases, from multiple aspects, including attention to nutrition, to improve vision but also be helpful. in the daily diet, can improve vision in the food there:
(1) foods rich in vitamin A , vitamin A is closely narrated with normal vision. If vitamin A deficiency, then the regeneration of rhodopsin slow and incomplete, prolonged dark adaptation, night blindness reasoned along caustic. If the diet or deficiency of vitamin A will be a continued lack of dry eye disease, the disease can be further amplified to soften the cornea and corneal ulcers, can happen and the complete removal of corneal wrinkling's specks. The best food sources of vitamin A are carrots, spinach, amaranth, alfalfa, red sweet potatoes, pumpkins, green peppers and other vegetables, vitamin A contained in the native body into vitamin A.
(2) food rich in vitamin C, vitamin C can decrease light and oxygen break to the eye lens, accordingly delaying deluges. foods containing vitamin c, peal pepper, tomatoes, lemon, kiwi fruit, hawthorn and other fresh vegetables and fruits.
(3) of calcium, calcium and constitute the eyeball, calcium deficiency can cause myopia. Youth is by the time growth , the relative increase in requirements for calcium in the body, if only pay attention to calcium complement will not only affect bone development, but will the formative eye reduces the flexibility of the wall mm scleral lens pressure heave, resulting in elongated anteroposterior diameter of the eye caused by myopia. calcium and more food, mainly beans and soy products, dark green vegetables.
(4) chromium, chromium disposed to short-sighted absence of chromium can stimulate the insulin, the islet most biological achieve, such as the chromium content of the person body absence of functionality ambition make namely barriers to insulin norm of blood sugar, plasma osmolality increased, resulting in the eye lens, aqueous humor and refraction higher osmotic pressure increase, and elicit myopia. chromium more than exist in rice, wheat bran in the grape juice, content of nuts is also more exuberant.
(5) zinc, zinc deficiency can guide to visual impairment and zinc in the body mainly in the bones and blood. epidermal cornea, iris, retina and lens are also contain zinc, zinc in the eye the participation of vitamin A, on benefit of that} and transport, maintenance of retinal pigment epithelium of natural tissue status, and preserve customary visual function. zinc more food are peanuts, wheat, beans, grains, etc..
(6) kelp, outdoor the kelp also contains mannitol than iodine, dried kelp surface a thick wafer of Acute glaucoma has a good effect. additional, such as wakame seaweed also embody mannitol, can also be secondhand as additional food as sensitive glaucoma.
II. cozy to improve the therapeutic vision of all ten parties
saying: Medicinal and Edible, the following are entire vegetarian personal accumulation of health-care prescript Oh:
1. walnut breast drink walnut date Qi (Wei Chao peeled) 300 g, red dates (pitted) 250 grams, 150 grams medlar, put Cipen add a little water, stew for half one hour after use. each take a spoonful, into a cup of milk, sugar amount transfer service. Bugan have kidney, nourishing the role of eyesight, can improve short-sighted, vision detriment and dizziness, forgetfulness , Yaoxisuanruan and other omens.
2. peanut seeds beans cookie date 100 grams of peanuts, pumpkin seeds 50 grams, 60 grams of meat, red dates, soy flour 30 grams, 250 grams of rice powder, and fruit meat were pounding the mud , and then transferred to some flour, add appropriate amount of oil and water, mix thoroughly to do cakes, steamed, a day after eating. can Spleen Qi, nourishing and eyesight, improving myopia, blurred vision, palpitations, shortness of breath, constipation and other physically languid symptoms.
3. peas rice jelly beans, lentils, peanuts, Coix Seed, walnut mutton, longan, lotus seeds, red dates, 30 grams, 500 grams of rice, increase water, porridge, merged with sugar and lukewarm food. to spleen qi, qi eyesight. desirability of myopia, not durable, as, poor pay less slumber soundly, dyspepsia food.
4. wolfberry wolfberry Qing Sun silk tofu 100 grams, 200 grams of silk tofu, Qing Sun (or bamboo shoots) 10 grams, a variety of condiments measure. washed, mow into 6 cm approximately the filaments, Qing Sun also produced, wolfberry fruit rinse. Qicheng hot oil until the afterward into the silk tofu, snatched bamboo shoots stir-fried, salt, mushroom essence, into the wolfberry, stir fry a few, human poured sesame oil. wolfberry can maintain liver and kidney, lungs and eyesight, silk tofu is rich in protein, either total food, make the blood mighty , nutrition, organizations among the eye.
5. sesame walnuts into powder milk to drink black sesame seeds until fragrant, walnut Wei Chao smashed, divided cache bottle. each depicting a spoonful, into a glass of milk, sweetened One of a spoon transfer service. can nourish liver and kidney, eyes and dryness, can be used for therapeutic myopia and dry eyes, dry stool guitar Syndromes.
6. tomato mushroom seaweed soup tomatoes 200 grams, 100 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of seaweed, ginger, sesame oil, salt and the right amount. first mushrooms, ginger and seethe for 2 minutes, re-entry tomatoes, seaweed Luezhu, transfer to the sauce, soup to drink. can Nourishing Kidney and Liver, blood eyesight, suitable for myopia, visual shadowy or Jiubingtixu, lightheadedness are.
7. 12 grams of American ginseng drink ginseng Polygalaceae, Polygala 30 grams of pestle for the end of 8 grams per package, each time a pack, boiling behalf of the tea for 7 to 10 days. to Qi Yang Xin, educational eyesight.
8. Mulberry chrysanthemum chrysanthemum tea, Yin-hua, 30 grams, 12 grams of mulberry leaves, 15 grams of Hawthorn, with boiling water 4 periods, each 10 to 15 minutes, on behalf of the tea. can Nourishing Kidney and Liver, blood eyesight, suitable for myopia, visual dim or Jiubingtixu, lofty blood pressure, lightheadedness are.
9. Mulberry 6 grams of mulberry leaves Chrysanthemum tea, chrysanthemum 5 grams. the inquiry into the thick end of mulberry leaves, and brutal chrysanthemum into the same cup with boiling water, cover boring 15 minutes. on behalf of the prevalent drinking of tea, brewed 3-5 times. can be Pinggan eyesight, Liver Xiehuo. suitable for myopia, visual dim, hyperactivity, inflame hyperactivity Hypertension.
10. 3 sons, 5 grams of seeds of Cha, Chong Wei sub 5 grams, Arctium 10 grams. will savor the same into the upon 3 cup boiling water, cover boring quarterutes. on behalf of the frequent drinking of tea, brewed 3-5 times. be explicit anger, eyesight. desirability of myopia, not durable as, anger hyperactivity type of early hypertension.
III. aid to improve the vision of the health food
via diet tin addition nourishment, cultivate vision, so we ought be more intake of these foods, such as in journal diet, based on the selection of applicable visual function can improve the health food, you can activity a agreeable role of adjuvant therapy. can choose health foods are:
(1) vitamin A-rich foods, such as wolfberry class products, carrot, tomato juices.
(2) rich in proteins, peptides, certain amino acids such as taurine, nucleic mordant.
(3) contains cassia seed, chrysanthemum, tea, hawthorn and other health care , granules or capsules.
(4) a kind of green tea level and tea productions (radiation share).
(5)) is rich in track elements, minerals, enzymes of the algae products.
picture is search come, thanks to the creators in this vegetarian every daytime, each day, fitness

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