Wednesday, April 27, 2011

right male is

First, how do you understand the development.
1, the leader of the bureau alternatively post is along to law, but the ultimate analysis, given by the human. from the office functions but also a responsibility, namely is to serve the people's duty. Leadership ability leadership responsibilities and lawful rights and interests are unified. anyone party chairman, should the party and the folk responsible for the responsible authorities and higher authorities.
2, promoted the pursuit of asset is the power of the exploiting class values. weeklies continue to disclose leadership cadres, corrupt, hard fill and absence to sink into custody of the disgrace, should study a course.
3, serving the people,World tuberculosis Day, not people make determinations, because it reverses the master-servant relationship. Marx praised the Paris Commune leaders and directors are > 4, the essence of communism is the ultimate realization of prevalent boom. common prosperity is not equal to sync off, but genuine fatigue and legal operations to grant people to obtain wealthy first, and then achieve common prosperity. official term, will enrich the people side.
5, the official who should no have instant success, should not Jiezeeryu, should seek instant representation. must consider the environmental benefits, conservation of ecological balance. have to think the social benefits by the disbursement of spiritual culture tin not be acquired because the spend of the development of material culture.
6, official must be a deep knowing of schooling namely the economy and social development of the nation, namely apt develop high-quality personnel positions, namely to purify social air of the reach is to attain coordinated and sustainable development of 2 civilizations, the only direction.
Second, how the current leadership sometime pate of the correct management? (time 7 minutes)
1, to continue and carry forward the strengths and advantages of the former leadership, while requirements of the development of the situation and the problems alter reform, to be innovative. It should be punctuated that: any unit masses are surely led to new leadership compared with the old for well for comprehensive approximation of both wish and desire for his heiress and avoid the long Yang ancestor predecessor's disabilities. If you do not understand the position in the hereafter, principally the leadership of the avails of And it is the lone, or unwarranted charges opposition the former leader, blindly veto, is ample is enough admission, and to develop their own distinctive style. to make up for its shortcomings, or to correct its misdeed, nor is it subserved , pay attention to methods, seeking practical results.
2, avoid nepotism CD faction promoted test of leadership or collective leadership is allied. The new system of exchange of cadres and public culling of leading cadres of the initiatives to help prevent and surmount the , right male is, the use of and exercising in both, regardless of how the interference of assorted webs.
3,toronto escorts, avoid rhetoric, confusion sake of production objections. calculate double before words, consider twice. Promises must be kept and movement must be resolute. few words, extra action. If his inauguration, he will make unrealistic goals, lightly the masses have lost trust in the leadership of reducing the wastage of prestige, and honor of leading an indispensable condition to fulfil its functions.
4, should not have quick success, the pursuance of short-term efficacy. If the restless, eager to make a performance, regardless of the overall interests and long-term interests, regardless of social and environmental benefits, is leap to backfire,beijing escort, boomerang. quick success not a worm is a careerist who can only fish in distressed waters, shall not penetrate the sun. < br>

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