Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Qin Dahe, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, researchers, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Third World Academy of Sciences; the current United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) commanders, the Fourth Assessment Report of Working Group I Co-Chair, World Climate Research Programme Climate and Cryosphere Programme (CliC) Scientific Steering Group members, the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Joint Committee, WMO International Polar Year 2007-2008 President of the Inter-Commission Working Group, the International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Scientific Steering Committee Chinese Academy of Sciences of officers, to Division Director, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science Director, National 973 project's main scientist, leader of the Chinese Meteorological Society,folk must mention namely a female nativity also large ., vice chairman of the Geographical Society of China.
the latest science of climate change
Latest Progress on Climate Change Research
the past century, primarily in the past three decades, Earth's climate system is undergoing a warming as the main feature in a significant change. Meanwhile, the global environment has also undergone a major change: water resources shortages, ecosystem degradation, taint erosion, biodiversity detriment, the cryosphere shrink and so on. Climate change has chance a citizen government, the public and industry a major concern.
the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) on global climate change has completed the fourth appraisal report of the 1st evaluation .1990 publication of the report concludes that: In recent years, climate change may be natural fluctuations or human activities alternatively caused by the combined achieve of both of .1996 second appraisal report: Despite the quantitative statement of human activity on global climate impact of capability is still restricted, and some of the opener factors in the uncertainties still exist, yet scale up facts show that human activities impact on the climate have been aware from the Third Assessment Report .2001 stronger certify Zeyi update: In the quondam 50 years, inspected most of the warming Earth's climate, more than 66% may be deserving to human activities .2007 the fourth assessment report concluded that: human activities is possible to be the main reason for global warming, more than 90% this likelihood. The experts on the climate system is portended future scenarios: likened with the 1980-1999 21st century global mean surface temperature could mushroom 1.1 ~ 6.4 ℃; 21 century, high temperatures, heat waves and heavy precipitation may increase the frequency of tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) strength may be enhanced; the 21st century, global mean sea level will ascend from 0.18 to 0.59 m; the Greenland ice canvas recede would lead to sea level continued to rise after 2100; view of the removal of airy CO2 in the time scale required, past and future anthropogenic emissions of CO2 will lukewarm the Earth by more than a thousand sea-level rise continues.
Climate change will produce a array of natural and socio-economic impact: Strong Tendency of extreme weather and climate accidents becoming more natural disasters caused more and heaviness; production additional volatility; increasingly solemn water problems; Glacier shorten significantly; important projects increased risk of safe operation; economically developed coastal places intimidated along rising sea levels; erasure of biological variety; which will likewise human health, industry, tourism, political, economic, diplomatic and so reason a array of effects. It tin be said , extreme weather and climate accidents caused by the misadventure will increasingly .2007 March, the Northeast districts of the 50 annuals history, the most sleet over the same period, South, North caustic drought; May 23, a primary educate in Chongqing, underwent landslides, resulting in deaths; July, the Huaihe River basin of the magnificent overflow happened, a digit of strong tempests seldom buffet major cities, creating journal rainfall log of Urumqi .2008 February, suffered a rare snowstorm in many regions, some provinces and cities power grid collapse happened paralyzed, frozen roads blocked, pressure destruction of vegetation and additional major misadventure, with massive losses. agricultural shock of global warming may be greatest, in which the famous problems facing the 3 are: ① output volatility may increase, expected to drop by 5% ~ 10%; ② layout and structure will change, changes in cropping systems and crop varieties; ③ price and investment will amplify, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides will mushroom.
Here, I would favor to accent the cryosphere and global change warm narratives. At present, the follow-up of cryospheric change and its impact studies have become one international hotspot. so-called composed of solid water ice surround. for many years an area of ​​snow cover 7% of the global ocean, the land area of ​​10%. cryospheric contribution to global sea level, including the Greenland ice sheet, the Antarctic ice sheets, mountain glaciers, ocean thermal expansion; their contribution to sea level are: the Greenland ice sheet (0.2 + / -0.1) mm / year, the Antarctic ice sheet (0.2 + / -0.4) mm / year, mountain glaciers (0.8 + / -0.2) mm / year ocean thermal expansion (1.6 + / -0.5) mm / year. North and South poles as the globe cryosphere two white cap, white hat top area of ​​difference between summer and winter 6 times, the lower part of the pearly area of ​​difference between summer and winter hats 2 times. the Arctic and the Antarctic Peninsula region is changed The most significant regional warming, especially in the Arctic, scientists prefatory view that the earth in 2030 estimated the cryosphere major changes will occur. It means a disaster, the rebate in Arctic sea ice on global sea traffic are becoming increasingly significant .
glaciers in China is a big nation, is an of the countries most adult glaciers, glaciers 46,377 existing Article permafrost area of ​​2,200,000 km2, seasonally frozen floor 70% of absolute land area. glacier change in western China is very colossal, has been continuously shrinking; experts predict that by 2050, the Tibetan Plateau in winter minimum temperature will rise by approximately 3.1 ~ 3.4 ℃, the maximum summer temperatures will rise by approximately 1.8 ~ 3.2 ℃, permafrost warming will threat to the operation of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway Safety. West water shortages, the shrinking of glaciers will mean expanding deserts, shrinking oasis. The most important point is that China is the world's cryosphere important part of the cryosphere, the changes in China will affect the cryosphere Cryosphere world.
and global, as weather and context in China has been and ambition proceed to generate meaningful changes. technological understanding of hereafter weather alteration uncertainty, reinforce the science of climate change and continuously enhance and enhance the people inspire aboard climate system and its change awareness, concerns and climate change remodelling and mitigation amounts apt actively and continuously improve the class and the class of ecological and environmental protection, is comprehensively implement the scientific development notion and building a socialist agreeable society momentous part of the Chinese administration, the mutual ambition of the public and the scientific community. At the same time it ought be noted,toronto escort, climate change narrated science, tall technology, economy, social, political and even foreign field, the natural and cultural punishments, both scientific and technological frontier, and is a national claim, is very important and ought be highly merited. In counting, climate change narrated to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, land resources, environmental protection, stamina, materials, supplies manufacturing (manufacture), transportation, citizen security, ecosystems,beijing massage, human society should be rational to treat hh. Based on China conditions, and between countries of

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