Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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【The term transliteration of the Arabic Quran, which manner , books, in other words, in the are reflected in the tempo, and no based on a short segment of a number of rhymes to express a averaging is not that prose rhythm and rhyme. section of the end, just the momentum the reader cease and mawkish absences of the Department. Arab are known to the globe of verse and words of the prominent chapter, they listened comprehending of assorted scholastic forms, there is not such a neatness, so they must say: testimony to Angel Ghibli bid Mohammed Khalil began to begin to drop, ;, is a teach entire subjects and all factions of the empirical foundation above which to establish tenet. br> It's all to create the elementary educations of Islam and the system, yet also reflects the epoch of the Arabian Peninsula Muhammad Greece Trade hereby areas of social reality and the skirmish of Islam spread during the overview of the main contents are as with aspects: <>
struggle. The converge of debate: about the oneness of Allah, Prophet Muhammad's status and , then there is no God religion, it will be At that time Messenger of Allah, is the rank of messenger of Allah. The former said that he is a secular deadly, mortal as the messenger of God can not choose; the latter is that only they are God's can only generate them. However, the polytheists and The mortal can obtain Allah's revelation and so on. on the on issues narrated to religion, Muhammad with them for a long argument. He discharged competitors of revelation announced by the contention, but also performance and established Islam on the faith to Allah, the basic idea of ​​classical and messengers. According to records, the two sides of the Debates in addition to religion, but also involved in politics; economy and military aspects. As the argue of religious thought Muhammad missionary activity throughout the all process , the the highest gods, they trust that Allah pull slavery close to Allah. contention, resulting in the dispose of the universe. God is absolute power, he not ask for any thing. the institution of heaven and earth, moon and stars in the escaping, day and night wheel,toronto escorts, the situation the accident of thunderstorms, factory growth, the production of human and reproduction, and life and death, congratulating asset and position, are determined by the will of Allah. Allah is perpetual, and there are exist before, without starting or end, everything will die, while the body of Allah forever immortal. God is absolutely faultless, further all asset to all with faultless virtue, and his splendid to the nines of human language can not depict it, functions, and superb human governor of the only face of the languid. so people should sincerely abide him, adore him, appeal for his mercy and elegance. <>
2. faith angel. Koran dragged high; some mass Daan La revelation in the prophets, and contribute to the Missionaries of the prophets; some records of people's words and deeds of good and evil; some mercy for the believers to intercede with Allah, or ambition do in life when people get end of their life, and specially such as horns and treatment of the Fire. in the revelation communicated to the Prophet Muhammad. <>
3. belief messenger. apt argue human in becoming agreeable dodge malign, belief in an God. The seraphim likewise animate the ordinary people have died, when the inconsistency is namely they Mengan La guidelines, to accept his detection, can show a marvel. to appoint or actions of the Prophet with 28. The best known namely Noah, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad; and Muhammad is the Prophet's mission inherited elapse experience Inspiration to be achieved through the reward down. special <>
5. beliefs of the end of retribution. In describing end comes, that all things through big turmoil, utterly devastated, and then behavior by reward and discipline. to enter the daytime of park by the reward, punishment to enter Hell. ;>
However, these liabilities in the referred only to bow to Allah, prostrating, sooner or later the compliment, prayer and the night stand and so on, then gradually in the course of missionary join these actions to form entitled wash conditions and other requirements for the Mecca Masjid, also moved to Medina, the Prophet only after provisions. The fasting and Hajj ceremonies in ancient religious traditions to be improved on the basis of religious worship. that tradition, excludes many of them with the content of worship of God, to follow the example set before King Baian La and holy ceremony. in the early Enlightenment, the day of level only as a private good deeds and be encouraged, and later Since the establishment of the Muslim community and the armed, needs some money to solve operational prices and to move persons (622 years and beyond to move from Mecca to Medina, the Muslims) living supplies and other issues, then Zakat will be appointed as Muslim fulfill their liabilities. announced the aggression to fight the enemies of enlightenment allowed, then the creation of armed, has announced a encouraged to participate in battle. but at the same time declared that . Later, with the development of the struggle, which gradually transformed into lively means of barricade crusade against military action to achieve . <>
Mecca credit presented during the Enlightenment parents, presided over judge, support to families, and compassion the meager alone, freed the slaves, generosity, measuring fairness, pride and arrogance against garbage, against adultery, against usury, against murder and the killing of infant girls and a series of others, and no cause to slay the motif of ​​ethical and moral appearances. and later made light of fashionable circumstances such as the Shu people, probity, friendliness, ordered to do good, only evil people, to strengthen solidarity and politeness norms are the content of individual moral character, gradually to adjust the narratives among the Islamic community an important criteria. <>
1. interest-free lend decree 'It queried people to stand by the debtor, such as can not ascertain the scrivener, you can use as parallel in variety. <>
2. Intestate Succession Act. provisions of the deceased's parents and relatives (including babies, brothers and sisters) and has alliances per capita has the right to inherit their property, but the matron should be in conviction, the men scored only half the sum. such as orphans and more allocation times mushroom or diminish the essential delivery of the estate, the deceased must be in the implementation of debt after. <>
3. Marriage. before the heave of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula Although the implementation of monogamy, but deserving to lack of settled wedding and the respective rebate in men caused by combat and other reasons to buy slave concubine, general living more affluent families and tribal kings and, most of the life lived polygamy, or even unlimited polygamy, the wife was her husband at any time can be damage or omit. In testimony and inheritance of property, the two women is equal to one man only, but it that Wife and the conditions and restrictions grant polygamy or satisfied waiter Zuoqie. In addition, to eliminate leftovers of the antique customs of marriage and ensure that the subject of man patriarchal lineage system of the mother against the same generation, their peers, there are blood relations of bottom generation geographical or breast of women and marital women married, while providing the Muslim can not wed with the polytheists in order to protect the interests of Islam and promote the polytheists convert to Islam. <>
4. the criminal law. In order to upkeep, stability, social relations and the established social order, deportation; men and women who commit adultery and those who slander decent women, punishable by flogging of women and men committed to embezzle off their hands, to do emulate suit; rue the guilt of criminal rehabilitation who can apologize (penetrate Islamic law). In addition, in life habits, etc., but also for the ancient Arab forbidden food also much to require only self-dead, out of the blood, meat and non-chanting the name of Allah can not slaughter animals for human expense; for the Arabs alcohol shock of religious activities as a result of intoxication while drinking be prohibited, while superstition and reason disagreement divination, fortune effective and gambling are also prohibited. <>
on the archaic prophets, ; or relating to the character of the yarn, including Adam and his wife, Eva Hardy, cozy Drake Adams, Noah, phone Germany, withdrew legislation of Kazakhstan, and two sons Ismaili Ibrahim, Ishaq , Daoud and his son Suleiman, leaves Jacob and his son Yusuf, Shu Abu Musa and the brother Harlan, Rutter, eminent Ai Bu, Yunus, cozy Leya Si, Jae Kai Liya, Yahya, Seoul withdraw its mom Mary, Earl leaves race, departed Leji Fowler, quit farming, Luge Man, He Dier and the In appending to these characters call Germany, Kazakhstan and Shu Abu withdrawal legislation, the additional person's anecdote can be in the and have the stories, the additional human off the deeds of some radiated amid several chapters, some merely mention of an accident or person made, or even only its name without acquainting anyone of their deeds. These diagrams In counting to Adam and his wife Eva Seoul Ha O Mary Mother of withdrawal and the , Adelaide and Sai Mode persons story. In addition, also referred to escape persecution of polytheism, hid in the cave three hundred annuals later, returns to earth sleep of the the story. and the synthesizer, his improvement of Islam is practiced in the past prophets, religion, restoration and proceeded.
1. records. Inspiration award down period, Xi Guzi although a small number of renowned and important areas of literature and poetry with words etched in stone, but in common literature, discourse, words and long lineage, but saved by the spread of people's memories, which rely mainly on the early revelation of jaws and narrate memory. According to records, Muhammad in Mecca missionary period, some people record the revelation he announced, and the formal setting Revelation Records, who is behind the migrate to Medina. solely on the record of revelation will hear recorded in leather, stone, beast bones or appointment palm leaves ribs, while others have recorded their own revelations heard. After the necrosis of Muhammad, recorded revelation of leather, stone and other scattered records preserved in the hands of those not finishing a book. When Medina The Islamic regime has as yet had period to collate records of revelation, the Arabian Peninsula, there were the record, and should be checked, just copy. to cater that the option of a poetry, there must be other written or spoken stuff as circumstantial certify, the record will not be preferred unilaterally. The postfix after the array into a book, named ; (meaning the collection), to the premier Caliph Abu Bakr; the death of Abu Bakr, Caliph Umar handed over to the second; Umar was assassinated by his daughter, the Prophet custody of his wife Hough race. <>
2. Unity in the last edition of .644 when the Ottoman caliph, Islam had spread to the expedition by with the Arabs outdoor the peninsula, a heap of areas. annotated to people to doctrine, we need to There Scriptures. but in the pool during Abu Bakr's individuals in the scriptures and the scriptures handwritten fractions, not complete, it is unavoidable that mistakes and omissions; combined disc of Scripture text was very easy, synonymous with the addition of various tribal patois are also very complex, and thus seemed the make personal copies of the introduction of the individual words and the pronunciation of some words and punctuation, etc. inconsistencies. In addition, the region of Azerbaijan in the expedition in the Syrian militia Hooser law with the Iraqis, for obedience with its own perusing of the law occurred memorabilia caustic struggle, which shook the Medina in power,Mammalia,beijing massage, so that their awareness of the consensus of manuscripts in the promotion of unity and subserve the importance of doctrine. So Osman, who has appointed Zayd to collect up duration of Abu Bakr This accumulation is based on, re the revised order, unity, also known as city, and declared null and void all other writings be scalded. So far, Muslims around the world are general to the final version. <>
3. sections of choreography. Ottoman final version of the longest of which is 286, the shortest only 3. the width of every chapter and sectiin times, it is said by the predictor through the reading, the basic course to teach reading to determine down. Ottoman final version did not take the time laid in chronological order according to revelation, but will be a prayer with the teachings of Islam as a entire by the programmatic first with some of the Muslim religious life with time and social life is closely linked to the first full-length arrangement, calculating of those described in one God, doomed the worship of many gods and ancient narrative predictor stories in the medium of a long chapter in the schedule, but will show some of the early fall of short placed at the end. Later, the not in full agreement with the meaning of a complete, some are read by reading the sentence to divide, and some parts of speech appears Youyi end of the sentence the same word as the harmonious music section of the flag, so sections of altering lengths. because of some sub-section of the criterion texts have assorted ideas, so the the latter view. Egypt was an early publishing Species apparent section means, and the letters, not vowels and notes, thanks to the instructor to teach pronunciation. However, language, we must try to cultivate and perfect the Arabic alphabet and book. First, the Umayyad dynasty sent the Governor of Basra province Ziad recommended keeping 艾斯沃德杜 Eric do the job. Duai Li then the criterion pronunciation by the Arabs and read every word, so that the pronunciation and the co-worker according to his lip to every of the letters marked on the vowel ending. This and vowel in the ending kind of way, has initially solved the central tail Arabic linguistics change issue. But there are several just like Arabic letters sound differ, writing is still not easy to differentiate, while outside the letter of each word in addition to ending pronunciation of other letters still no sign, reading will be an error. to the period of Caliph Abdul Malik Le Mai, Iraq will be commissioned by the Governor Hajjaji Nasr Salim of the Sui and Yahya A solution to this host problem. They have improved their Du Aili the Sound, the pronunciation of those letters in differ fashions with similar points to be distinguished. to 8 by mid-century jurist, Al-Khalil in Arabic to establish a static character, long intonations, Permian symbols and improved Du Aili vowel punctuation symbols. With the emergence of italics and Arabic are the lawful instruments in extensive use, languages ​​to improve the process of writing about 200 years of experience to l0 half of the century by the Abbasid empire, the opening of the two ministers are good at penmanship, Muge Lai and Ibn Isa Ibn Mujahid in the alms of the academic Writing beneath the final version of the final complete reunification. After the history of the Chapter chapter name, number, sent down sequence and so on. So today's versions of ten - six in 2032) in consensus with the period of transient events, and social development, and to sporadic after different revelation. the first revelation is: read that he had created man with a blood clot. you when read, and your God is the maximum dignified, he was teaching people use a pen to write, he taught people to nameless people. is: fourteen chapters, the Prophet preached in Mecca during the revelation of the eighty-six chapters, he migrated to Medina after the revelation of the twenty-eight chapters, To a decisive thing at that time, or a certain problem, and one or several sections inspiration, and sometimes sent down a whole chapter, for example, the first chapter and the first chapter or two, is a revelation. Prophet Muhammad brought into every course now in front of the gate to teach his disciples; will write, record it immediately put it; not write, and immediately put it to bear in mind in the center, to recite to him face to face, see back I memorize correctly is not correct. They then It imparted to the faithful is not present. the day, they study responsibilities, such as Zayd (Zaid ibn Thabit), Ali ('Ali ibn AbiTalib), Ibn Lammers Oude (Abdullah ibn Mas'ud), Wu hundred yes (' Ubayy ibn Ka'b), Osman ('Uthman ibn'Affan), Anas (' Anas ibn Malik), etc., were famous. Prophet dictated the new revelation to them, they put it on record in a leather or a stone, or date palm bough, or shoulder blades on the camel sheep. 'They record worship, the constantly recited in public, It is holy Disciples of the scheduled, probably longer on the front of the relatively short in the back, but not necessarily so. Therefore, the preparation of Ali, is the series of chronological; and Iraq and weapons of the Mammoth Oude hundred compiled by Christ, have their own unique sequence.
Prophet Muhammad died, Seoul (Abu Bakr) to the king of the second year, Ye Ma Mo (al-Yamama) campaign, can recite all the Pak. Kerr intended order, recruited people to go to Zayd, said to him: systematized a ) record at family to find the information, they only stood file. The third chapters (. They all ) custody.
behind to the calendar twenty-five years (the year six hundred forty-five --- Tiananmen six years), Syria and Iraq, Muslims in the Battle of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Accel went dispute, Jae Hou Fei (Hudbihibnal-Yamani) witnessed this situation, I feel uneasy, return to Medina, the report Caliph Uthman, and advised: to save it. Man ordered Zayd, Ibn left pi Seoul (* bd-ullahibn Zubair), Said (Sa'id ibn al-'Asi), Abdul Rahman ('Abdurrahman ibn al-Harith), who transcribed several Department. Zayd is the Medina and the repose are of Mecca's ancient times people (Quraish), Uthman said to them: , then, according to ancient times you copy it's people's dialect. because the , Damascus, Yemen, Beihailaini, Kufa, hundreds Sola and other areas. Uthman ordered the burning of other manuscripts Yigai. Uthman ordered the copy of the , or Uthman this (Mushaf'Uthman), immediately known as Europe's the (al-Mushafal-contribution.
Later, the Arabsalabo country and the evolution of the cape has a magnificent far-reaching social change, it is also is the learn of Muhammad and Islam and the preponderating social situation in the promontory a quite momentous historical documents. Arabic Language condensed, fast-paced, sonorous, mighty, rhetoric and statements of their language, is still regarded as a prototype of Arabic literature. The proposal and by some of the stories, Islam and Arabic literature has been an inspiration. As Qur'an, Dogmatics and the Arab an major chapter of philosophy; its lawful thought and ethics, for Islamic countries since the Middle Ages by the world governing the country along to authorities. Historically, people in Islamic countries have the banner against the closure ...

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