Wednesday, April 27, 2011

no material what happens

Dear Mr. President, differentiated President, ladies and gentlemen, Mr President, at the outset I would like to thank Xu Zhihong President, thank you so quite friendly and warm admission and discourse, especially in the prestigious Peking University in China, quite Thank you for inviting me to come to this divine area of China's political modernization, detail aboard the Sino-French narrations and the prospects of French outlooks and aspiration.
Dear friends, tomorrow will be the world power of China, one can even say the world largest power. This rapid prosperity and progress forward, not only will change the face of China, will change the face of the world. We need to work attach to make the necessary analytic, the development of China on the global political, economic, cultural, ecological balance, the impact of joint analytic.
numerous of you people, the future will become the future leaders of China. your action, your imagination, your decision-making, not only will determine the The future of new China, but also affect the future fate of the world. because in the elapse no longer exists indeed probability, and you will live in a intricate and changeable,toronto escorts, unstable but magnetic world.
in such a world, increasing interaction between people, economic development, science and technology, invention, will be for us to win penury, to build a global rectitude to bring new hope, so that each culture will have their place.
but in such a world, we will see, terrorism arrogance got the upper hand, some countries insist, in violation of its international commitments, with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, to appliance the power policy.
the world full of contradictions, one of the global resurgence of nationalism and wavering between the West and Islam, secular and religious, north and south, meager and rich countries, between cultures of the world face increasing danger of detachment. but long history of abuse who are the people of the country, this is a hopeful world. particularly in Asia, the fast ascend of emerging boom of countries in the world, with thousands of years of history and culture rooted in a fashionable modern model the West has slowly lost its avail of.
the world has become so complex, so interdependent, that no one power can not arbitrarily dominate this world.
precisely because the world is still hovering in the between stability and confusion, because we still memorize the words of Confucius's philosophy, perilous, and in a mighty, legitimate, for the people to accept the framework of international organizations, shared responsibility; in harmony, righteousness, solidarity beneath the prelude that globalization is well controlled and the behalf of mankind.
line this belief, the French support the reform of the United Nations to strengthen its legitimacy, expanding the Security Council so that it can characterize the new balance of the world.
In this conviction, we are compliant to build a political Europe, this belief leads us to the full work, let Europe to imagine the political responsibility to protect world peace. This belief has prompted us and other Group of Eight summit in the environment of global economic organization, is committed to establishing a talk with the emerging powers. This belief also prompted us to for the admission of cultural variety and make unremitting efforts, especially via the Declaration no power confrontation, only common interests between us. It is for this reason, the French first made some major recommendations, seeking to shrink the distance between Asia and Europe, such as establishment of ASEM, the EU and China, India, Japan and other Asian countries to establish strategic cooperation between the partnership and contribute to the EU will soon ratify the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Dear friends, in recent years, the globe faces a serious emergency, the crisis had led to some countries share general merits ​​with each other apart. I feel namely today we can better laud the importance of the multinational community is knitted in this morale of solidarity ought be reflected of special note in the United Nations Security Council. for the face of peril The worst direction to every his own and did nothing. This namely a mutual responsibility in Europe and China, France and China to accept namely outlook to amplify a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. the face of North Korea and Iran's deeds, multilateral communism should be showing its effectiveness, if left unchecked, we ambition lose entire inspire, credibility and legitimacy. stand means that we face a threat to international peace and security when the submissive, alternatively encourage acts of unilateralism , and the consequences and difficulties, we have witnessed over.
This is today's reality, for the love of independence and the spirit to resist foreign assault, we have respect for citizen sovereignty, ceremony of the rule of non-interference in interior affairs. But When a country contrary to its agree, a threat to peace, we must follow the collective norms, to take the necessary measures and actions, to defend world peace and security.
no one can tolerate violence opposition the civilian population, the line is horizontal acts of impunity. In Africa, Darfur, the United Nations should protect the civilian population has been recognized, so we are united, act in strict consensus with the Charter. In this spirit of collective responsibility, I determined to partake in this special tribute to the People's Liberation Army stationed in Lebanon, the United Nations temporary reinforcements, also praised China on the establishment of peacekeeping actions exercising center's decision, these practices can reflect the reputation and role of the United Nations, which is a very important initiative.
darling friends, the urgency of the political crisis should not be make us forget the other global challenges posed by the threat, because these threats and even influence the survival of mankind.
intensified in human ecology to be devastating to the looting, when an unprecedented ecological crisis is taking fashion. Because China is a extensive, rapid development and selection of its decision on the balance of global warming and the environment will have a meaningful impact.
However, we kas long asthis immediately built on abuse and waste of natural resources on the industrial development model, if the worldwide promotion of the human will be in serious jeopardy.
If the earth becomes incapable to breathe, then what is the use of economic progress it? China's economic growth is not nothing appreciated, but it is in the sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions, respectively, the first and second highest in the world. developing the economic and retention natural resources and retaining ecological equilibrium, coordination between the 3, is in its eleventh five- year blueprint is determined to react to the challenge. It is for this reason that the French initiative to establish a United Nations context organization, and shrieked on China to answer to this initiative.
With the advance of globalization, most of China with animation and activity engaged in the process of modernization. in the rest of the world, particularly in Africa, hundreds of millions of males and women and babies are still living in the forgotten corners of progress, much poverty, ailment and despair of the undergoing. Faced with this grim challenges, we should not be allowed to gravity. The next session of China's m m France,toronto escort, Africa and the black summit will be our work together to assist the poorest countries a good chance. because of health and health concern should be the rights of all. I am convinced that the Chinese on the International Drug Purchase Facility will soon start to invest characteristic support. because the ailment has no boundaries, so we must often aspire to strengthen international cooperation. At this point, all the aid China control the world : Dear friends, in the long-standing bilateral relations, that is, General de Gaulle once wrote gorgeous a friendly relationship, we have never so much positiveness that our friendship is built on mutual respect, let us all plan, even the most ambitious plan, can become a reality. China hopes to build a harmonious society, China hopes to strengthen human rights, strengthening emancipation, democracy, and make a commitment to ratify the Convention on Civil and Political Rights. I Convinced that such practices within some of France's beliefs can aid your country to persist to think, because if the people of China as a natural development, and a long history of cultural development, the pattern of our Republic has been the ideal of the Enlightenment and universal values ​​of the French Revolution, the model can also be a push towards democracy and human rights in China as a good source of inspiration. *** This is the President and I equitable signed a major significance of the joint statement.
Dear Friends, Once another, I reiterate, you are the brain of China's future, the future will rely on our mutual efforts, is not able to open to the world, is not able to go further stereotypes, get rid of the antique structure, open your heart to the world. I would also like to say that face the challenges of morrow, you need to have extra sense of responsibility and solidarity. because consensus is power, there is no opposition, let the world multi-polarization, we were able to make peace, prosperity and harmony of people needs.
This is France, Europe and China, the grand blueprint. the world depend on us, we depend on the world, China's Long live, long live France-French friendship forever!
Peking University students to answer questions
[Beijing University of International Relations Undergraduate Zhao sophomore]: Mr. President, I am very pleased to hear your speech. you know, France is the EU's maximum important countries, China is the fastest growing countries in East Asia. increasing economic cooperation between the two countries , but some commented that the world superpower mm face of the United States, the relationship between China and France-US relations can never be exceeded and the French-American relations, what do you think of this comment? and you think the relationship between the three positioning how?
[Chirac]: should not be viewed from the perspective of competition, international relations, France and China, cooperation in a variety of reasons, including economic and political factors, cultural factors particular to promote our cooperation. We should profoundly understand each other We trust each other, have a long friendship. Of course, China with the rest of the world, some big powers to maintain good relations, including the United States or other European countries and Asian countries. Therefore, I think today the world's a big country and tomorrow the world's a big country, with all countries should maintain nice relations. like this area, I think each country should respect each other's countries, the culture, to respect other people's cultures,
first necessary to understand other people's culture. So, I think all the world's countries should further understanding of Chinese culture and language, I wish to do so, I hope France can do this.
[04 Chemistry, Peking University grade students]: First of all Welcome to Beijing, came to Peking University students to study science as you please briefly outline your current research environment and learned atmosphere, preoccupying students like us, your country any advantage? Thank you, !
[Chirac]: We try to develop research in each area, first of all a academic study, research and practice as well. Recently, the Government would ask Congress to pass a judgment, making the research work in France to modernization, while also providing financial support to support research in this place. because we are aware of progress in research and innovation are an important part of the world, at the outset, academic studies, particularly the chemical and other technological research in the field .
[Peking University Institute of Chemistry, 04 students]: On behalf of myself and my students to pay tribute to the friendship between China and France, I wish you a pleasing tumble to China flat!
[alien students]: People that China will be a world power, what will China do to achieve that goal?
[Chirac]: I am Prime Minister Tony Blair said this sentence does no make any comments, he is one of my colleagues, too a friend. But I entirely understand that the Chinese do, to bear the responsibility for the future of the world. As I said, China may be in the next 50 years, 1 of the world's great powers. Of way, this needs to be done a huge effort, 1st efforts have research divisions, for well as innovative efforts. I fully believe the Chinese youth people, they are fully capable to cope with this dare. At the same period to effect this goal, but also absence to do this in peace and in China stability is a model we should study from, like, favor what Chairman *** to build a harmonious society. Now our demanding world, while China can follow the tradition of previous train, to quest harmony class. archaic Chinese have the tradition of seeking agreeable society, so it can use this experience to be erected to the universal model.
[Peking University graduate student in French]: Good afternoon, Mr. President! I have 2 questions. First, the pertinent policies? second answer, almost Turkey connecting the EU, the future of Turkey joining the European Union you have anybody remark?
[Chirac]: About your first question, I think this label mm most French people, they expressed their views, they said functionality and operation of an opposed and rejected. So when I say Europe when, in fact the European Constitution in the hope of a authentic development, the real project, which is Europe's governors that the more able to meet the European appetite and an motif of ​​their needs, not only related to the operation of the various agencies in Europe. We understand that political and decision-making bodies, they are more concerned about the European Constitution, but in common people do not understand.
the European enlargement, we want to know, because this district of Europe have had a lot of battles, battles in history. So the expectations of Europe is to let the peace in people's ideas, so deeply rooted democracy in all democratic countries are like this. If that is the case, should not have boundaries, there should be no frames, because peace and democracy, beginning from our view, expand, and throughout the farther the better, yeah it will bring some of the problems.
[Chirac]: Turkey if EU membership fjust aboutme countries is not so cozy to accept, because in Europe, where some structural changes, operating in 27 countries and the previous 10 is not the same country, of course, to feature smoothly is not cozy to be a major event. There are many in the financial impact on the expansion of citizenship to pay for State funding, originally joined the European countries promised to pay the new Accession States the spend of many more. So, to explore the country they are not affordable, there are many problems. But the principle should be good, we should salute the expansion of Europe.
you ask the Turkish accession, this problem Indeed, we thought the Turkish applying for EU member, all European countries have accepted its applying, and began its accession negotiations with Turkey, a kind of conditions. Of course, the mean human that the customs and traditions of Turkey and the European continent is not same, so will bring some difficulties, both sides have made great efforts to change their habits to each other. whether the Turkish side in Europe or here, should be to make great efforts. I still can not vouch that Turkey's accession will be, but we accept Turkey's application for the hope that Turkey will take responsibility to meet all the conditions.
[Physics of Atmospheric Science, a third year student]: I ask you two questions First, we all understand you like football, in increase to the French team, Which team you like? Also, do you think the world of sports in the pattern of international relations can play what role? Thank you!
[Chirac]: First to response your first question, of course I enthusiastically assist the French team, not matter what happens, I muse this is very natural that you would not be surprised. But you inquire the first question The second portion, I do not say, because I can not say that a country's football team better than distinct country, not to mention periodically the time will bring some alterations. As for physical activity is not able to in the modern world of international what one major role in relations, we can see some international emulation plays a big role, really is a international accident, into a important event in the world, the world's consideration, the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing presently, this are an international event, but also for China is a very big event. I am convinced that time the world have to pay care to China and Beijing, which China views the world will bring great influence, both in psychologically, spiritually and economically, will send great impact. I sincerely wish Beijing to host the Olympic Games, 2008 Games a success!
[Chirac]: will be held in 2010 another major event, Although not the Olympics but is also very great, and I wish the success of the 2010 World Expo.
I would join, some Chinese students when I saw that France should give us a visa, that we go to France to learn. I said : Chinese students,fraught out a long appearance the practice station Team, there are twenty-five thousand Chinese students will soon chance a fifty thousand Chinese students .2006 8,000 visas issued in the future this digit will grow. Therefore, Chinese young people want adventure in France, we sincerely encourage you to France, we will receive you properly, we have great esteem for you, adore you, because we love the Chinese nation, and we wish speed up young Chinese to learn French, to France to. Thank you!

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