Wednesday, April 27, 2011

8 gold medals

How should love Liu Xiang?
Text / Li Yi Min
we advocate the notion of the Olympic Games is one of the three Olympics and People's Olympics is the most concentrated statement of consideration, caring, love. Fiercely competitive race in the ; faster, higher, stronger the footsteps of his arms, and chest with his right hand flap, but also looked back, do not care to go to the end, he seemed not in the tense World War II Flying Games, as students ran in the educate playground play is better than hh stroll until a week before circling that wrecked the world record mm9 69 seconds. afterward a reporter asked him if he can not run faster, he nonchalantly said: run faster is not better? I can run 9 seconds 6. Genius swimming champion Michael Phelps has chance a important highlight of the Beijing Olympic Games, obtaining 8 gold medals, breaking the world record 7 mm does not seem to us that Earth can do, seems to be Beijing's surprise. He received a gold medal each as we know it is not noxious to the body via the There is a swimming innate aptitude, the training may be combined with scientific methods, in order to get the brilliant ground-breaking today. If the ascetic manner of training unattended, 8 gold medals, the number of injuries that left him too? yesterday nightfall Bird's Nest track and field's biggest shine smudge called Russia's also narrated a congratulating for yourself? 40 million people under the cautious eye, her amazing jump, jumps over the limits of a new human mm5 m 05,24 times broke the world pole vault world disc. in the Peoples cheering, she was funny to do a along roll, a brilliant smile infected with bird's lair of the crowd. she can record the status of long-term, must be separated from her usual train hard, but his physical condition, health status It should be said has been very well retained, otherwise it will not create one later another superhuman performance.
we see the world the process of these top athletes, we cheer the hero to obtain gold medals; but there are other elements , we periodically emulate the tense, sometimes very cozy, the process imaginary! results so good! athletes too great! they are too eligible a!
great athlete Liu Xiang is China, and he has brought the earth trace and field wonder us also many, also many passion, too many pride! We are pride of this conspicuous athletes! but not the blow of the world! We are so incited to Liu Xiang as China's trace and field star, the media a lot of driving up advertising overwhelming, the Internet is full of million people each manufactured portion hh13 , absolutely, many are preoccupied by Liu Xiang to work, how so many psychological oppression on the top? In increase, Liu has also endured magnificent pain, afflict anguish problems to Liu Xiang. As long large measure of discipline training, Athlete of the injuries are unavoidable. Hurdle foot cardinal part of the Achilles tendon force, said he was five alternatively 6 annuals ago, has been sick, but he has forever insisted on training and rivalry. Results heavier. Yesterday, when Liu Xiang in the off warm-up the pain was unbearable to have been not stand it! 3 physicians with frozen spray,toronto asian escort, to no advantage, but the face of 90,000 observers and the digit of million TV viewers, for the prestige of the motherland, Liu Xiang is still grinding his teeth advent of the hh emerged later that we do not want to penetrate the scene.
I think, since Liu Xiang has been less caustic injuries in the off-site, why let him play to ; Liu Come ashore! it! This is the best conservation for Liu, at the end of the day, the gold medal is not our merely goal mm as too the hero,toronto escort, loser hero. This is also in line with the Olympic spirit, in the ultimate analysis, people are the most valuable.
fact Our crew has been plagued at injuries in always amusements athletes in a few, it's nearly cruel, and usually no unrelated to the education, some of them were is to subserve person health, in order to compete for the gold award and harmed health,we are compliant apt begin from their own . Mongolia 's 4 classes have dispute with the kid, and it runs counter to this spirit. Now the Olympic Games to subserve science and technology, which of way includes the training of athletes, how tin technological training means, both to train a agreeable results, without compromising the health (of way, hard training), for mini for likely so namely actors injured, this should be our goal.
Finally, let us wish a speedy retrieval of our citizen treasure Liu Xiang, you are still tip, Your idea is quite good, you are very smart, you are quite cute, we love you! you will establish a greater honor!
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